Aradhya Shukla
Aradhya Shukla
Department of Physics, GLA University, Mathura, INDIA
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Chiral kinetic theory from effective field theory revisited
S Lin, A Shukla
Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (6), 1-23, 2019
Abelian p-form (p= 1, 2, 3) gauge theories as the field theoretic models for the Hodge theory
R Kumar, S Krishna, A Shukla, RP Malik
International Journal of Modern Physics A 29 (24), 1450135, 2014
Dual-BRST symmetry: 6D Abelian 3-form gauge theory
R Kumar, S Krishna, A Shukla, RP Malik
The European Physical Journal C 72, 1-8, 2012
Quasinormal modes, shadow and thermodynamics of black holes coupled with nonlinear electrodynamics and cloud of strings
DV Singh, A Shukla, S Upadhyay
Annals of Physics 447, 169157, 2022
Nilpotent symmetries of a 4D model of Hodge theory: augmented (anti-) chiral superfield formalism
A Shukla, N Srinivas, RP Malik
Annals of Physics 394, 98-119, 2018
General N= 2 supersymmetric quantum mechanical model: supervariable approach to its off-shell nilpotent symmetries
S Krishna, A Shukla, RP Malik
Annals of Physics 351, 558-570, 2014
Supervariable approach to nilpotent symmetries of a couple of = 2 supersymmetric quantum mechanical models
S Krishna, A Shukla, RP Malik
Canadian Journal of Physics 92 (12), 1623-1631, 2014
Supersymmetrization of horizontality condition: nilpotent symmetries for a free spinning relativistic particle
A Shukla, S Krishna, RP Malik
The European Physical Journal C 72 (10), 2188, 2012
Topologically massive non-Abelian theory: superfield approach
S Krishna, A Shukla, RP Malik
International Journal of Modern Physics A 26 (25), 4419-4450, 2011
Augmented superfield approach to nilpotent symmetries of the modified version of 2D Proca theory
A Shukla, S Krishna, RP Malik
Advances in High Energy Physics 2015 (1), 258536, 2015
Comments on the dual-BRST symmetry
S Krishna, A Shukla, RP Malik
Modern Physics Letters A 26 (36), 2739-2744, 2011
Kink-like solitons in quantum droplet
A Shukla, PK Panigrahi
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 54 (16), 165301, 2021
Novel symmetries in Christ-Lee model
R Kumar, A Shukla
Europhysics Letters 115 (2), 21003, 2016
Novel symmetries in Weyl-invariant gravity with massive gauge field
K Abhinav, A Shukla, PK Panigrahi
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-9, 2016
Curci-Ferrari–type condition in Hamiltonian formalism: a free spinning relativistic particle
A Shukla, T Bhanja, RP Malik
Europhysics Letters 101 (5), 51003, 2013
Christ–Lee model: augmented supervariable approach
R Kumar, A Shukla
Advances in High Energy Physics 2018 (1), 7381387, 2018
Nilpotent and absolutely anticommuting symmetries in the Freedman–Townsend model: augmented superfield formalism
A Shukla, S Krishna, RP Malik
International Journal of Modern Physics A 29 (31), 1450183, 2014
-symmetry and supersymmetry: interconnection of broken and unbroken phases
A Pal, S Modak, A Shukla, PK Panigrahi
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2254), 20210494, 2021
supersymmetric harmonic oscillator: Basic brackets without canonical conjugate momenta
N Srinivas, A Shukla, RP Malik
International Journal of Modern Physics A 30 (30), 1550166, 2015
Conservation law for massive scale-invariant photons in Weyl-invariant gravity
A Shukla, K Abhinav, PK Panigrahi
Classical and Quantum Gravity 33 (23), 235008, 2016
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