Pedro Garcia
Pedro Garcia
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Inferring regular languages in polynomial update time
J Oncina, P Garcia
Pattern recognition and image analysis 1 (49-61), 10.1142, 1992
Learning subsequential transducers for pattern recognition interpretation tasks
J Oncina, P García, E Vidal
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15 (5), 448-458, 1993
Inference of k-testable languages in the strict sense and application to syntactic pattern recognition
P García, E Vidal
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 12 (9), 920-925, 1990
New approach to chaotic encryption
E Alvarez, A Fernández, P Garcıa, J Jiménez, A Marcano
Physics Letters A 263 (4-6), 373-375, 1999
Structural basis for selective recognition of pneumococcal cell wall by modular endolysin from phage Cp-1
JA Hermoso, B Monterroso, A Albert, B Galán, O Ahrazem, P Garcı́a, ...
Structure 11 (10), 1239-1249, 2003
Planetsim: A new overlay network simulation framework
P García, C Pairot, R Mondéjar, J Pujol, H Tejedor, R Rallo
Software Engineering and Middleware: 4th International Workshop, SEM 2004 …, 2005
Identifying regular languages in polynomial time
J Oncina, P Garcia
Advances in structural and syntactic pattern recognition, 99-108, 1992
Effects of progestagens and prostaglandin analogues on ovarian function and embryo viability in sheep
A Gonzalez-Bulnes, A Veiga-Lopez, P Garcia, RM Garcia-Garcia, ...
Theriogenology 63 (9), 2523-2534, 2005
Robust prediction-based control for unstable delay systems: Application to the yaw control of a mini-helicopter
R Lozano, P Castillo, P Garcia, A Dzul
Automatica 40 (4), 603-612, 2004
Diagonalizing properties of the discrete cosine transforms
V Sanchez, P Garcia, AM Peinado, JC Segura, AJ Rubio
IEEE transactions on Signal Processing 43 (11), 2631-2641, 1995
Disturbance observer-based quadrotor attitude tracking control for aggressive maneuvers
A Castillo, R Sanz, P Garcia, W Qiu, H Wang, C Xu
Control Engineering Practice 82, 14-23, 2019
Predictor-based control of a class of time-delay systems and its application to quadrotors
R Sanz, P Garcia, QC Zhong, P Albertos
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (1), 459-469, 2016
A novel chimeric phage lysin with high in vitro and in vivo bactericidal activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae
R Díez-Martínez, HD De Paz, E García-Fernández, N Bustamante, ...
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 70 (6), 1763-1773, 2015
Establishment of conditions for green table olive fermentation at low temperature
MCD Quintana, PG Garcı́a, AG Fernández
International Journal of Food Microbiology 51 (2-3), 133-143, 1999
Robust control design for long time-delay systems
P Albertos, P García
Journal of Process Control 19 (10), 1640-1648, 2009
Control of unstable non-minimum-phase delayed systems
P Garcia, P Albertos, T Hägglund
Journal of Process Control 16 (10), 1099-1111, 2006
Learning Locally Testable Languages in the Strict Sense.
P Garcia, E Vidal, J Oncina
ALT, 325-338, 1990
Gradient-based optimization of path synthesis problems in planar mechanisms
R Sancibrian, F Viadero, P Garcıa, A Fernández
Mechanism and machine theory 39 (8), 839-856, 2004
Periodic event-triggered sampling and dual-rate control for a wireless networked control system with applications to UAVs
A Cuenca, DJ Antunes, A Castillo, P Garcia, BA Khashooei, W Heemels
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (4), 3157-3166, 2018
A generalized smith predictor for unstable time-delay SISO systems
R Sanz, P García, P Albertos
ISA transactions 72, 197-204, 2018
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