José María García
José María García
Associate Professor, University of Seville, Spain
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Improving semantic web services discovery using SPARQL-based repository filtering
JM García, D Ruiz, A Ruiz-Cortés
Journal of Web Semantics 17, 12-24, 2012
Priority-based human resource allocation in business processes
C Cabanillas, JM García, M Resinas, D Ruiz, J Mendling, A Ruiz-Cortés
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 374-388, 2013
Elastic Smart Contracts in Blockchains
S Dustdar, P Fernández, JM García, A Ruiz-Cortés
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 8 (12), 1901-1912, 2021
A Model of User Preferences for Semantic Services Discovery and Ranking
JM García, D Ruiz, A Ruiz-Cortés
ESWC 2010: 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (2010), 1-14, 2010
An hybrid, QoS-aware discovery of semantic web services using constraint programming
JM García, D Ruiz, A Ruiz-Cortés, O Martín-Díaz, M Resinas
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2007: Fifth International Conference …, 2007
GraphQL: A Systematic Mapping Study
A Quiña-Mera, P Fernandez, JM García, A Ruiz-Cortés
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (10), 1-35, 2023
Modeling service level agreements with linked USDL agreement
JM García, P Fernandez, C Pedrinaci, M Resinas, J Cardoso, ...
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10 (1), 52-65, 2017
ARTE: Automated Generation of Realistic Test Inputs for Web APIs
JC Alonso, A Martin-Lopez, S Segura, JM Garcia, A Ruiz-Cortes
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 49 (1), 348-363, 2022
Integrating semantic web services ranking mechanisms using a common preference model
JM García, M Junghans, D Ruiz, S Agarwal, A Ruiz-Cortés
Knowledge-Based Systems 49, 22-36, 2013
Enabling customers engagement and collaboration for small and medium-sized enterprises in ubiquitous multi-channel ecosystems
A Fensel, I Toma, JM García, I Stavrakantonakis, D Fensel
Computers in Industry 65 (5), 891-904, 2014
A service ranker based on logic rules evaluation and constraint programming
JM Garcıa, I Toma, D Ruiz, A Ruiz-Cortés
2nd ECOWS Non-Functional Properties and Service Level Agreements in Service …, 2008
Edge and cloud pricing for the sharing economy
JM García, P Fernández, A Ruiz-Cortes, S Dustdar, M Toro
IEEE Internet Computing 21 (2), 78-84, 2017
Qos-aware semantic service selection: An optimization problem
JM García, D Ruiz, A Ruiz-Cortés, JA Parejo
2008 IEEE Congress on Services-Part I, 384-388, 2008
Elastic data analytics for the cloud-to-things continuum
S Laso, J Berrocal, P Fernandez, JM García, J Garcia-Alonso, JM Murillo, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 26 (6), 42-49, 2023
On using semantically-aware rules for efficient online communication
Z Akbar, JM García, I Toma, D Fensel
Rules on the Web. From Theory to Applications: 8th International Symposium …, 2014
Linked USDL agreement: effectively sharing semantic service level agreements on the web
JM García, C Pedrinaci, M Resinas, J Cardoso, P Fernandez, ...
ICWS 2015: 22nd International Conference on Web Services, 137-144, 2015
Slaws: Towards a conceptual architecture for sla enforcement
JA Parejo, P Fernandez, A Ruiz-Cortés, JM García
2008 IEEE Congress on Services-Part I, 322-328, 2008
A Flexible Billing Life Cycle for Cloud Services Using Augmented Customer Agreements
JM García, O Martín-Díaz, P Fernandez, C Müller, A Ruiz-Cortés
IEEE Access 9, 44374-44389, 2021
Business Process Management: Blockchain and Robotic Process Automation Forum: BPM 2020 Blockchain and RPA Forum, Seville, Spain, September 13–18, 2020, Proceedings
A Asatiani, JM García, N Helander, A Jiménez-Ramírez, A Koschmider, ...
Springer Nature, 2020
Automated Analysis of Cloud Offerings for Optimal Service Provisioning
JM García, O Martín-Díaz, P Fernandez, A Ruiz-Cortés, M Toro
ICSOC 2017: 15th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing …, 2017
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