Akbar Ghaffarpour Rahbar
Akbar Ghaffarpour Rahbar
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VWCA: An efficient clustering algorithm in vehicular ad hoc networks
A Daeinabi, AGP Rahbar, A Khademzadeh
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 34 (1), 207-222, 2011
Study and analysis of routing and spectrum allocation (RSA) and routing, modulation and spectrum allocation (RMSA) algorithms in elastic optical networks (EONs)
FS Abkenar, AG Rahbar
Optical Switching and Networking 23, 5-39, 2017
Detection of malicious vehicles (DMV) through monitoring in vehicular ad-hoc networks
A Daeinabi, AG Rahbar
Multimedia tools and applications 66, 325-338, 2013
Adaptive modulation and flexible resource allocation in space-division-multiplexed elastic optical networks
M Yaghubi-Namaad, AG Rahbar, B Alizadeh
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 10 (3), 240-251, 2018
Review of dynamic impairment-aware routing and wavelength assignment techniques in all-optical wavelength-routed networks
AG Rahbar
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 14 (4), 1065-1089, 2011
Novel fragmentation-aware algorithms for multipath routing and spectrum assignment in elastic optical networks-space division multiplexing (EON-SDM)
F Yousefi, AG Rahbar
Optical Fiber Technology 46, 287-296, 2018
An advanced security scheme based on clustering and key distribution in vehicular ad-hoc networks
A Daeinabi, AG Rahbar
Computers & Electrical Engineering 40 (2), 517-529, 2014
Fragmentation-aware algorithms for multipath routing and spectrum assignment in elastic optical networks
F Yousefi, AG Rahbar, M Yaghubi-Namaad
Optical Fiber Technology 53, 102019, 2019
Contention avoidance and resolution schemes in bufferless all-optical packet-switched networks: a survey
AGP Rahbar, OWW Yang
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 10 (4), 94-107, 2008
Temperature and energy-aware consolidation algorithms in cloud computing
M Yavari, A Ghaffarpour Rahbar, MH Fathi
Journal of Cloud Computing 8 (1), 13, 2019
IF-RSCA: intelligent fragmentation-aware method for routing, spectrum and core assignment in space division multiplexing elastic optical networks (SDM-EON)
AA Beyragh, AG Rahbar, SMH Ghazvini, M Nickray
Optical Fiber Technology 50, 284-301, 2019
Providing quality of service (QoS) for data traffic in elastic optical networks (EONs)
FS Abkenar, AG Rahbar, A Ebrahimzadeh
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 41, 797-806, 2016
On-demand fragmentation-aware spectrum allocation in space division multiplexed elastic optical networks with minimized crosstalk and multipath routing
M Jafari-Beyrami, AG Rahbar, S Hosseini
Computer Networks 181, 107531, 2020
Dynamic impairment-aware RWA in multifiber wavelength-routed all-optical networks supporting class-based traffic
AGP Rahbar
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 2 (11), 915-927, 2010
Novel crosstalk, fragmentation-aware algorithms in space division multiplexed-Elastic Optical Networks (SDM-EON) with considering physical layer security
F Yousefi, AG Rahbar
Optical Switching and Networking 37, 100566, 2020
Load balancing, multipath routing and adaptive modulation with traffic grooming in elastic optical networks
SMH Ghazvini, AG Rahbar, B Alizadeh
Computer Networks 169, 107081, 2020
Fragmentation and time aware algorithms in spectrum and spatial assignment for space division multiplexed elastic optical networks (SDM-EON)
F Yousefi, AG Rahbar, A Ghadesi
Computer Networks 174, 107232, 2020
Modified smallest available report first: new dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes in QoS-capable EPONs
MV Dolama, AG Rahbar
Optical Fiber Technology 17 (1), 7-16, 2011
Prioritized retransmission in slotted all-optical packet-switched networks
A Ghaffar Pour Rahbar, O Yang
Journal of Optical Networking 5 (12), 1056-1070, 2006
An FEC scheme combined with weighted scheduling to reduce multicast packet loss in IPTV over PON
S Zare, AG Rahbar
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 35 (1), 459-468, 2012
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