Liming Liu
Liming Liu
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Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics and dynamic mechanical thermal properties of poly (butylene succinate) composites reinforced with cotton stalk bast fibers
T Bin, J Qu, L Liu, Y Feng, S Hu, X Yin
Thermochimica Acta 525 (1), 141-149, 2011
Morphology study of immiscible polymer blends in a vane extruder
JP Qu, HZ Chen, SR Liu, B Tan, LM Liu, XC Yin, QJ Liu, RB Guo
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 128 (6), 3576-3585, 2013
Temperature control of terahertz metamaterials with liquid crystals
L Liu, IV Shadrivov, DA Powell, MR Raihan, HT Hattori, M Decker, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 3 (6), 827-831, 2013
Effect of dynamical converging channels on fiber organization and damage during vane extrusion of sisal fiber‐reinforced polypropylene composites
Q Jin‐Ping, L Li‐Ming, T Bin, L Shu‐Rong, C Hua‐Xin, F Yan‐Hong
Polymer Composites 33 (2), 185-191, 2012
Integration of bow-tie plasmonic nano-antennas on tapered fibers
A Khaleque, EG Mironov, JH Osório, Z Li, CMB Cordeiro, L Liu, ...
Optics Express 25 (8), 8986-8996, 2017
Terahertz focusing of multiple wavelengths by graphene metasurfaces
L Liu, Y Zarate, HT Hattori, DN Neshev, IV Shadrivov, DA Powell
Applied Physics Letters 108 (3), 031106, 2016
Enhancing Weak Optical Signals Using a Plasmonic Yagi—Uda Nanoantenna Array
EG Mironov, A Khaleque, L Liu, IS Maksymov, HT Hattori
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (22), 2236-2239, 2014
Composite chromium and graphene oxide as saturable absorber in ytterbium doped Q-switched fiber lasers
L Liu, HT Hattori, EG Mironov, A Khaleque
Applied Optics 53 (6), 1173-1180, 2014
Post-processing approach for tuning multi-layered metamaterials
L Liu, W Chen, DA Powell, WJ Padilla, F Karouta, HT Hattori, DN Neshev, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (15), 151102, 2014
Ytterbium-doped Q-switched fiber laser based upon manganese dioxide (MnO 2) saturable absorber
HT Hattori, A Khaleque, L Liu, MR Greck
Applied Optics 55 (32), 9226-9231, 2016
Thick multilayered (silica/gold) dipole nano-antenna
A Khaleque, EG Mironov, L Liu, HT Hattori
Applied Optics 54 (34), 10063-10067, 2015
Analysis of silica-filled slot waveguides based on hyperbolic metamaterials
EG Mironov, L Liu, HT Hattori, M Richard
JOSA B 31 (8), 1822-1828, 2014
Experimental investigation of polymer pellets melting mechanisms in vane extruders
J Qu, N Zhang, X Yu, G Zhang, S Liu, B Tan, L Liu
Advances in Polymer Technology 32 (2), 2013
Tunable terahertz metamaterials based on ultra-subwavelength graphene-dielectric structures
L Liu, HT Hattori
Microoptics Conference (MOC), 2015 20th, 1-2, 2015
Bulk density of polymer solid granules in vane cylinder
JP Qu, SF Zhai, HY Liu, HZ Chen, SK Jia, Z Huang, YQ Zhao, LM Liu
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 130 (2), 842-850, 2013
Dynamic Terahertz Beam Steering Based on Graphene Metasurfaces
L Liu, Y Zarate, HT Hattori
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.05425, 2015
Mechanically tunable bi-layer terahertz metamaterials
L Liu, W Chen, DA Powell, WJ Padilla, F Karouta, HT Hattori, DN Neshev, ...
Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2015 Conference on, 1-2, 2015
Enhancing the performance of graphene oxide saturable absorbers by adding chromium and titanium to ytterbium doped Q-switched fiber laser
EG Mironov, L Liu, A Khaleque, WJ Toe, PJ Reece, HT Hattori
Optical Fibre Technology, 2014 OptoElectronics and Communication Conference …, 2014
Sub-wavelength confinement in metamaterial filled-slot waveguide
EG Mironov, L Liu, HT Hattori, M Richard
Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2014 Conference on, 1-2, 2014
Sierpinski Gasket triangular quantum dot lasers
L Liu, Z Li, HT Hattori, CL Barbosa
Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), 2013 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S …, 2013
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