Kevin Tang
Kevin Tang
University Professor, English Language and Linguistics, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
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Understanding Racial Disparities in Automatic Speech Recognition: the case of habitual “be”
JL Martin, K Tang
Proceedings of Interspeech 2020, 2020
The rise and fall of the L-shaped morphome: diachronic and experimental studies
A Nevins, C Rodrigues, K Tang
Probus: International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics 27 (1), 101-155, 2015
Prosody leaks into the memories of words
K Tang, JA Shaw
Cognition 210, 104601, 2021
A 61 Million Word Corpus of Brazilian Portuguese Film Subtitles as a Resource for Linguistic Research
K Tang
UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 24, 208-214, 2012
Contextual predictability influences word and morpheme duration in a morphologically complex language (Kaqchikel Mayan)
K Tang, R Bennett
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (2), 997-1017, 2018
Identification of fluency and word‐finding difficulty in samples of children with diverse language backgrounds
P Howell, K Tang, O Tuomainen, SK Chan, K Beltran, A Mirawdeli, ...
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 52 (5), 595-611, 2017
Worldwide distribution of the DCDC2 READ1 regulatory element and its relationship with phoneme variation across languages
MMC DeMille, K Tang, CM Mehta, C Geissler, JG Malins, NR Powers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018
Statistical and acoustic effects on the perception of stop consonants in Kaqchikel (Mayan)
R Bennett, K Tang, J Ajsivinac Sian
Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 9 …, 2018
Naturalistic Speech Misperception
K Tang
University College London, 2015
Quantifying the Diachronic Productivity of Irregular Verbal Patterns in Romance
K Tang, A Nevins
UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 25, 289-308, 2013
From sonority hierarchy to posterior probability as a measure of lenition: The case of Spanish stops
K Tang, R Wayland, F Wang, S Vellozzi, R Sengupta, L Altmann
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153 (2), 1191-1203, 2023
Unite and conquer: Bootstrapping forced alignment tools for closely-related minority languages (mayan)
K Tang, R Bennett
Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences …, 2019
A dynamic neural field model of leaky prosody: proof of concept
JA Shaw, K Tang
Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, 2023, 2023
Quantitative Acoustic versus Deep Learning Metrics of Lenition
R Wayland, K Tang, F Wang, S Vellozzi, R Sengupta
Languages 8 (2), 98, 2023
Does Working-Memory Training given to Reception-Class Children Improve the Speech of Children at Risk of Fluency Difficulty?
P Howell, LY Chua, K Yoshikawa, H Tang, T Welmillage, J Harris, K Tang
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
Measuring Segmental and Lexical Trends in a Corpus of Naturalistic Speech
K Tang, A Nevins
Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society 2, 153-166, 2014
Understanding forced alignment errors in Hindi-English code-mixed speech–a feature analysis
A Pandey, P Gogoi, K Tang
Proceedings of First Workshop on Speech Technologies for Code-switching in …, 2020
A unified model of lenition as modulation reduction: gauging consonant strength in Ibibio
J Harris, EA Urua, K Tang
Phonology, 2024
Intoxication and pitch control in tonal and non-tonal language speakers
K Tang, CB Chang, S Green, KX Bao, M Hindley, YS Kim, A Nevins
JASA Express Letters 2 (6), 065202, 2022
Disambiguation of morpho-syntactic features of African American English--the case of habitual be
H Santiago, J Martin, S Moeller, K Tang
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technology for Equality …, 2022
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