Caryl Gronwall
Caryl Gronwall
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Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, F Acernese, K Ackley, C Adams, T Adams, ...
Astrophys. J. Lett 848 (2), L12, 2017
The spectral energy distribution of Fermi bright blazars
AA Abdo, M Ackermann, I Agudo, M Ajello, HD Aller, MF Aller, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 716 (1), 30, 2010
Photometric calibration of the Swift ultraviolet/optical telescope
TS Poole, AA Breeveld, MJ Page, W Landsman, ST Holland, P Roming, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 383 (2), 627-645, 2008
Spectrum of the Isotropic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Emission Derived<? format?> from First-Year Fermi Large Area Telescope Data
AA Abdo, M Ackermann, M Ajello, WB Atwood, L Baldini, J Ballet, ...
Physical Review Letters 104 (10), 101101, 2010
A short γ-ray burst apparently associated with an elliptical galaxy at redshift z = 0.225
N Gehrels, CL Sarazin, PT O'brien, B Zhang, L Barbier, SD Barthelmy, ...
Nature 437 (7060), 851-854, 2005
Keck spectroscopy of redshift z~ 3 galaxies in the Hubble deep field
JD Lowenthal, DC Koo, R Guzmán, J Gallego, AC Phillips, SM Faber, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 481 (2), 673, 1997
Swift and NuSTAR observations of GW170817: Detection of a blue kilonova
PA Evans, SB Cenko, JA Kennea, SWK Emery, NPM Kuin, O Korobkin, ...
Science 358 (6370), 1565-1570, 2017
The morphology-density relation in z~ 1 clusters
M Postman, M Franx, NJG Cross, B Holden, HC Ford, GD Illingworth, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 623 (2), 721, 2005
Lyα emission-line galaxies at z= 3.1 in the extended Chandra Deep Field-South
C Gronwall, R Ciardullo, T Hickey, E Gawiser, JJ Feldmeier, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 667 (1), 79, 2007
Lyα-emitting galaxies at z= 3.1: L* progenitors experiencing rapid star formation
E Gawiser, H Francke, K Lai, K Schawinski, C Gronwall, R Ciardullo, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 671 (1), 278, 2007
The Hobby-Eberly telescope dark energy experiment (HETDEX): description and early pilot survey results
GJ Hill, K Gebhardt, E Komatsu, N Drory, PJ MacQueen, J Adams, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0806.0183, 2008
Strong-lensing analysis of A1689 from deep advanced camera images
T Broadhurst, N Benítez, D Coe, K Sharon, K Zekser, R White, H Ford, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 621 (1), 53, 2005
Further calibration of the Swift ultraviolet/optical telescope
AA Breeveld, PA Curran, EA Hoversten, S Koch, W Landsman, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 406 (3), 1687-1700, 2010
The Kitt Peak spectrophotometric standards-Extension to 1 micron
P Massey, C Gronwall
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 358, July 20, 1990, p …, 1990
The physical nature of Lyα-emitting galaxies at z= 3.1
E Gawiser, PG Van Dokkum, C Gronwall, R Ciardullo, GA Blanc, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 642 (1), L13, 2006
Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Field Galaxies: Keck Results at Redshifts to z~ 1
NP Vogt, DA Forbes, AC Phillips, C Gronwall, SM Faber, GD Illingworth, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 465 (1), L15, 1996
Faint galaxies in deep advanced camera for surveys observations
N Benítez, H Ford, R Bouwens, F Menanteau, J Blakeslee, C Gronwall, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 150 (1), 1, 2004
Advanced Camera for Surveys Photometry of the Cluster RDCS 1252.9–2927: The Color-Magnitude Relation at z= 1.24
JP Blakeslee, M Franx, M Postman, P Rosati, BP Holden, GD Illingworth, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 596 (2), L143, 2003
Hubble Space Telescope ACS Coronagraphic Imaging of theCircumstellar Disk around HD 141569A
M Clampin, JE Krist, DR Ardila, DA Golimowski, GF Hartig, HC Ford, ...
The Astronomical Journal 126 (1), 385, 2003
Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Field Galaxies: Sub-L⋆ Systems
NP Vogt, AC Phillips, SM Faber, J Gallego, C Gronwall, R Guzman, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 479 (2), L121, 1997
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