John  W. Verano
John W. Verano
Professor of Anthropology, Tulane University
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Disease and Demography in the Americas
JW Verano, H Douglas
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1992
Beyond death: the Chinchorro mummies of ancient Chile
BT Arriaza, JW Verano
(No Title), 1995
Interpreting conflict in the ancient Andes: implications for the archaeology of warfare
E Arkush, C Stanish
Current Anthropology 46 (1), 3-28, 2005
Prehistoric trepanation in the Cuzco region of Peru: a view into an ancient Andean practice
VA Andrushko, JW Verano
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2008
Where do they rest? The treatment of human offerings and trophies in ancient Peru
JW Verano
Tombs for the living: Andean mortuary practices 500, 189-227, 1995
The physical evidence of human sacrifice in ancient Peru
JW Verano
Ritual sacrifice in ancient Peru, 165-184, 2001
Trepanation in prehistoric South America: geographic and temporal trends over 2000 years
JW Verano
Trepanation: History, discovery, theory, 223-236, 2003
Violence and weapon‐related trauma at Puruchuco‐Huaquerones, Peru
MS Murphy, C Gaither, E Goycochea, JW Verano, G Cock
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142 (4), 636-649, 2010
War and death in the Moche world: Osteological evidence and visual discourse
JW Verano
Studies in the History of Art 63, 110-125, 2001
Locals or foreigners? Morphological, biometric and isotopic approaches to the question of group affinity in human skeletal remains recovered from unusual archaeological contexts
JW Verano, MJ DeNiro
Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analysis in anthropology …, 1993
Human skeletal remains from Machu Picchu: a reexamination of the Yale Peabody Museum’s collections
JW Verano
The, 65-117, 1912
Differential diagnosis: trepanation
JW Verano
International Journal of Paleopathology 14, 1-9, 2016
Biodistance analysis of the Moche sacrificial victims from Huaca de la Luna Plaza 3C: Matrix method test of their origins
RC Sutter, JW Verano
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132 (2), 193-206, 2007
Advances in the paleopathology of Andean South America
JW Verano
Journal of World Prehistory 11, 237-268, 1997
Chronology, mound-building and environment at Huaca Prieta, coastal Peru, from 13 700 to 4000 years ago
TD Dillehay, D Bonavia, S Goodbred, M Pino, V Vasquez, TR Tham, ...
Antiquity 86 (331), 48-70, 2012
A mass burial of mutilated individuals at Pacatnamu
JW Verano
The Pacatnamu Papers 1, 117-138, 1986
A mass sacrifice of children and camelids at the Huanchaquito-Las Llamas site, Moche Valley, Peru
G Prieto, JW Verano, N Goepfert, D Kennett, J Quilter, S LeBlanc, ...
PLoS One 14 (3), e0211691, 2019
Residential histories of elites and sacrificial victims at Huacas de Moche, Peru, as reconstructed from oxygen isotopes
JM Toyne, CD White, JW Verano, SU Castillo, JF Millaire, FJ Longstaffe
Journal of Archaeological Science 42, 15-28, 2014
Human skeletal remains from Tomb 1, Sipán (Lambayeque river valley, Peru); and their social implications
JW Verano
Antiquity 71 (273), 670-682, 1997
The nature of Moche Human sacrifice: A bioarchaeological perspective
RC Sutter, RJ Cortez
Current Anthropology 46 (4), 521-549, 2005
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