Мирослав Криштанович
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Zitiert von
Modeling the process of applying anti-crisis management in the system of ensuring financial security of the enterprise
O Sylkin, M Kryshtanovych, A Zachepa, S Bilous, A Krasko
Verslas: Teorija ir praktika/Business: Theory and Practice 20, 446-455, 2019
Modeling the process of forming the safety potential of engineering enterprises
M Kryshtanovych, L Akimova, O Akimov, N Kubiniy, V Marhitich
Features of creative burnout among educational workers in public administration system
M Kryshtanovych, L Akimova, O Akimov, O Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, ...
Creativity Studies 15 (1), 116–129-116–129, 2022
Methodology of forming model for assessing the level financial security
O Sylkin, M Kryshtanovych, Y Bekh, O Riabeka
Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure …, 2020
Problems of European integration in the construction of EU security policy in the context of counter-terrorism
M Kryshtanovych, L Akimova, V Shamrayeva, M Karpa, O Akimov
Int. J. Safety and Security Engineering 12 (4), 501-506, 2022
Peculiarities of implementing governance in the system of social security
M Kryshtanovych, P Petrovskyi, I Khomyshyn, I Bezena, I Serdechna
Business, Management and Economics Engineering 18 (1), 142-156, 2020
Prospects for the Development of Inclusive Education using Scientific and Mentoring Methods under the Conditions of Post-Pandemic Society.
M Kryshtanovych, S Kryshtanovych, O Stechkevych, O Ivanytska, I Huzii
Postmodern Openings/Deschideri Postmoderne 11 (2), 2020
Influence of COVID-19 on the functional device of state governance of economic growth of countries in the context of ensuring security
M Kryshtanovych, L Antonova, V Filippova, S Dombrovska, T Pidlisna
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering 12 (2), 193-199, 2022
Державна політика забезпечення національної безпеки України: основні напрямки та особливості здійснення: монографія
МФ Криштанович, ЯЯ Пушак, МІ Флейчук, ВІ Франчук
Львів: Сполом 418, 4, 2020
The public and environmental aspect of restoring sustainable regional development in the face of the negative impact of military actions on the territory of the country
M Kryshtanovych, I Dragan, D Grytsyshen, L Sergiienko, T Baranovska
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 17 (5), 1645-1651, 2022
Evaluation of the implementation of the circular economy in EU countries in the context of sustainable development
M Kryshtanovych, V Filippova, M Huba, O Kartashova, O Molnar
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2020
The System of Public Administration in educational institutions in rural regions in the context of the development of educational culture
M Kryshtanovych, S Kryshtanovych, N Chubinska, Y Khromova, O Sylkin
Revista Brasileira De Educação Do Campo 7, e14140-e14140, 2022
Study of the experience of the formation of professional competence in future managers of physical education and sports
S Kryshtanovych, O Bilyk, H Shayner, O Barabash, V Bondarenko
Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala 13 (1Sup1), 162-176, 2021
Modelling the ways to increase the creativity of psychology students as a basic factor in professional development
M Kryshtanovych, V Bilyk, S Hanushchyn, I Sheremet, K Vasylenko
Creativity Studies 14 (1), 34-50, 2021
Національна безпека: навч. посіб
ЯЙ Малик, О Береза, М Криштанович
Львів: ЛРІДУ НАДУ, 2010
Prospects, problems and ways to improve distance learning of students of higher educational institutions
M Kryshtanovych, I Gavrysh, O Khltobina, I Melnychuk, N Salnikova
Methodological approach to determining the main factors for the development of creative thinking in students of creative professions
M Kryshtanovych, S Kryshtanovych, L Stepanenko, Y Brodiuk, A Fast
Creativity Studies 14 (2), 391-404, 2021
Challengers to conceptual understanding of sustainable development regarding decentralization of power and responsibility in the conditions of the postmodern society
M Kryshtanovych, R Dzanyy, E Topalova, I Tokhtarova, N Pirozhenko
Postmodern Openings 11 (3), 257-268, 2020
Optimization of state regulation in the field of safety and security of business: a local approach
M Kryshtanovych, T Panfilova, A Khomenko, O Dziubenko, L Lukashuk
Business: Theory and Practice 24 (2), 613–621-613–621, 2023
Реалізація механізмів публічного управління у сфері цивільного захисту України щодо національної безпеки
МФ Криштанович
Вісник Національного університету цивільного захисту України. Серія …, 2017
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