Lukas Van Zwieten
Lukas Van Zwieten
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (NSW DPI)
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Agronomic values of greenwaste biochar as a soil amendment
KY Chan, L Van Zwieten, I Meszaros, A Downie, S Joseph
Soil Research 45 (8), 629-634, 2007
Effects of biochar from slow pyrolysis of papermill waste on agronomic performance and soil fertility
L Van Zwieten, S Kimber, S Morris, KY Chan, A Downie, J Rust, S Joseph, ...
Plant and soil 327, 235-246, 2010
A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity
LR Thompson, JG Sanders, D McDonald, A Amir, J Ladau, KJ Locey, ...
Nature 551 (7681), 457-463, 2017
Using poultry litter biochars as soil amendments
KY Chan, L Van Zwieten, I Meszaros, A Downie, S Joseph
Soil Research 46 (5), 437-444, 2008
An investigation into the reactions of biochar in soil
SD Joseph, M Camps-Arbestain, Y Lin, P Munroe, CH Chia, J Hook, ...
Soil Research 48 (7), 501-515, 2010
Biochar's role in mitigating soil nitrous oxide emissions: A review and meta-analysis
ML Cayuela, L Van Zwieten, BP Singh, S Jeffery, A Roig, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 191, 5-16, 2014
Biochar application to soil: agronomic and environmental benefits and unintended consequences
RS Kookana, AK Sarmah, L Van Zwieten, E Krull, B Singh
Advances in agronomy 112, 103-143, 2011
Impact of agricultural inputs on soil organisms—a review
EK Bünemann, GD Schwenke, L Van Zwieten
Soil Research 44 (4), 379-406, 2006
How biochar works, and when it doesn't: A review of mechanisms controlling soil and plant responses to biochar
S Joseph, AL Cowie, L Van Zwieten, N Bolan, A Budai, W Buss, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 13 (11), 1731-1764, 2021
Multifunctional applications of biochar beyond carbon storage
N Bolan, SA Hoang, J Beiyuan, S Gupta, D Hou, A Karakoti, S Joseph, ...
International Materials Reviews 67 (2), 150-200, 2022
Influence of biochars on flux of N2O and CO2 from Ferrosol
L Van Zwieten, S Kimber, S Morris, A Downie, E Berger, J Rust, C Scheer
Soil Research 48 (7), 555-568, 2010
Biochar and emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases from soil
L Van Zwieten, B Singh, S Joseph, S Kimber, A Cowie, KY Chan
Biochar for environmental management, 259-282, 2012
Biochar built soil carbon over a decade by stabilizing rhizodeposits
Z Weng, L Van Zwieten, BP Singh, E Tavakkoli, S Joseph, LM Macdonald, ...
Nature Climate Change 7 (5), 371-376, 2017
A concise review of biochar application to agricultural soils to improve soil conditions and fight pollution
M Shaaban, L Van Zwieten, S Bashir, A Younas, A Núñez-Delgado, ...
Journal of environmental management 228, 429-440, 2018
Effect of biochar amendment on the soil-atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases from an intensive subtropical pasture in northern New South Wales, Australia
C Scheer, PR Grace, DW Rowlings, S Kimber, L Van Zwieten
Plant and soil 345 (1), 47-58, 2011
A glasshouse study on the interaction of low mineral ash biochar with nitrogen in a sandy soil
L Van Zwieten, S Kimber, A Downie, S Morris, S Petty, J Rust, KY Chan
Soil Research 48 (7), 569-576, 2010
Nanoscale organo-mineral reactions of biochars in ferrosol: an investigation using microscopy
Y Lin, P Munroe, S Joseph, S Kimber, L Van Zwieten
Plant and Soil 357, 369-380, 2012
Marked changes in herbicide sorption–desorption upon ageing of biochars in soil
SM Martin, RS Kookana, L Van Zwieten, E Krull
Journal of hazardous materials 231, 70-78, 2012
Biochar lowers ammonia emission and improves nitrogen retention in poultry litter composting
E Agyarko-Mintah, A Cowie, L Van Zwieten, BP Singh, R Smillie, ...
Waste Management 61, 129-137, 2017
The molar H: Corg ratio of biochar is a key factor in mitigating N2O emissions from soil
ML Cayuela, S Jeffery, L van Zwieten
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 202, 135-138, 2015
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