Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Adam OsthWeitere Informationen
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Two processes are not necessary to understand memory deficits
AF Osth, JC Dunn, A Heathcote, R Ratcliff
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42, 2019
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, European Commission, Government of Italy
Verfügbar: 23
Modeling the dynamics of recognition memory testing with an integrated model of retrieval and decision making
AF Osth, A Jansson, S Dennis, A Heathcote
Cognitive psychology 104, 106-142, 2018
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Diffusion vs. linear ballistic accumulation: Different models, different conclusions about the slope of the zROC in recognition memory
AF Osth, B Bora, S Dennis, A Heathcote
Journal of Memory and Language 96, 36-61, 2017
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Privacy versus open science
S Dennis, P Garrett, H Yim, J Hamm, AF Osth, V Sreekumar, B Stone
Behavior research methods 51, 1839-1848, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Using response time distributions and race models to characterize primacy and recency effects in free recall initiation.
AF Osth, S Farrell
Psychological Review, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Likelihood ratio sequential sampling models of recognition memory
AF Osth, S Dennis, A Heathcote
Cognitive Psychology 92, 101-126, 2017
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Global semantic similarity effects in recognition memory: Insights from BEAGLE representations and the diffusion decision model
AF Osth, KD Shabahang, DJK Mewhort, A Heathcote
PsyArXiv, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Accounting for the build-up of proactive interference across lists in a list length paradigm reveals a dominance of item-noise in recognition memory
J Fox, S Dennis, AF Osth
Journal of Memory and Language 110, 104065, 2020
Mandate: Australian Research Council
A circular diffusion model of continuous-outcome source memory retrieval: Contrasting continuous and threshold accounts
J Zhou, AF Osth, SD Lilburn, PL Smith
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-19, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Novelty rejection in episodic memory.
AF Osth, A Zhou, SD Lilburn, DR Little
Psychological Review 130 (3), 720, 2023
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Does source memory exist for unrecognized items?
J Fox, AF Osth
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (2), 242, 2022
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Correlated racing evidence accumulator models
A Reynolds, PD Kvam, AF Osth, A Heathcote
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 96, 102331, 2020
Mandate: Australian Research Council
How do recall requirements affect decision-making in free recall initiation? A linear ballistic accumulator approach
AF Osth, A Reed, S Farrell
Memory & Cognition 49 (5), 968-983, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Evidence for the use of three-way binding structures in associative and source recognition
H Yim, AF Osth, VM Sloutsky, SJ Dennis
Journal of Memory and Language 100, 89-97, 2018
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Australian Research Council
Sources of interference in memory across development
H Yim, AF Osth, VM Sloutsky, SJ Dennis
Psychological Science 33 (7), 1154-1171, 2022
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Australian Research Council
Cultural problems cannot be solved with technical solutions alone
SD Lilburn, DR Little, AF Osth, PL Smith
Computational Brain & Behavior 2, 170-175, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council
The spatiotemporal gradient of intrusion errors in continuous outcome source memory: Source retrieval is affected by both guessing and intrusions
J Zhou, AF Osth, PL Smith
Cognitive Psychology 141, 101552, 2023
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Modeling the continuous recognition paradigm to determine how retrieval can impact subsequent retrievals
J Fox, AF Osth
Cognitive Psychology 147, 101605, 2023
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Using emails to quantify the impact of prior exposure on word recognition memory
H Yim, CR O'Brien, B Stone, A Osth, SJ Dennis
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 42, 2020
Mandate: Australian Research Council
The extralist feature effect revisited: A challenge for global matching models of recognition memory
AF Osth, A Zhou, S Lilburn, DR Little, A Osth
PsyArxiv Preprint, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council
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