Dominik Gutt
Dominik Gutt
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
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Design of review systems–A strategic instrument to shape online reviewing behavior and economic outcomes
D Gutt, J Neumann, S Zimmermann, D Kundisch, J Chen
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 28 (2), 104-117, 2019
Sharing Means Caring? Hosts' Price Reaction to Rating Visibility.
D Gutt, P Herrmann
ECIS 54, 2015
Goal achievement, subsequent user effort and the moderating role of goal difficulty
D Gutt, T von Rechenberg, D Kundisch
Journal of Business Research 106, 277-287, 2020
A Homeowner's Guide to Airbnb: Theory and Empirical Evidence for Optimal Pricing Conditional on Online Ratings.
J Neumann, D Gutt, D Kundisch
ECIS, 65, 2017
Money talks (even) in the sharing economy: empirical evidence for price effects in online ratings as quality signals
D Gutt, D Kundisch
Goals as reference points: empirical evidence from a virtual reward system
T von Rechenberg, D Gutt, D Kundisch
Decision Analysis 13 (2), 153-171, 2016
Crowd-driven competitive intelligence: Understanding the relationship between local market competition and online rating distributions
D Gutt, P Herrmann, MS Rahman
Information Systems Research 30 (3), 980-994, 2019
Do non-fungible tokens (Nfts) affect prices of physical products
IF Kanellopoulos, D Gutt, T Li
SSRN Electronic Journal: Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles, 2021
Reviewing from a Distance: Uncovering Asymmetric Moderations of Spatial and Temporal Distance between Sentiment Negativity and Rating.
J Neumann, D Gutt, D Kundisch
MIS Quarterly 47 (4), 2023
Money makes the reviewer go round–Ambivalent effects of online review elicitation in B2B markets
J Neumann, D Gutt
Star Wars: An Empirical Case Study of Star Performer Turnover and Content Supply on Multi-Sided Streaming Platforms
J Foerderer, D Gutt, BN Greenwood
George Mason University School of Business Research Paper, 2023
He who pays the piper calls the tune: Online review elicitation by sellers and third-party platforms in b2b markets
J Neumann, D Gutt
The effect of generative artificial intelligence on q&a platforms–consequences for questions, answers, question readability, and novelty
M Quinn, D Gutt
The Effect of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Q&A Platforms …, 2023
The rise of robo-reviews-The effects of chatbot-mediated review elicitation on review valence
T Goeken, D Tsekouras, I Heimbach, D Gutt
You can't buy my rating! On the pivotal effect of an unconditional gift on rating behavior
D Gutt, D Schlangenotto, D Kundisch
The App Updating Conundrum: Implications of Platform's Rating Resetting on Developers' Behavior.
D Gutt, J Neumann, W Jabr, D Kundisch
ICIS, 2019
The Traveling Reviewer Problem-Exploring the Relationship Between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior.
J Neumann, D Gutt, D Kundisch
ICIS, 2017
The robo bias in conversational reviews: How the solicitation medium anthropomorphism affects product rating valence and review helpfulness
D Tsekouras, D Gutt, I Heimbach
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-22, 2024
Review Helpfulness Scores vs. Review Unhelpfulness Scores: Two Sides of the Same Coin or Different Coins?
Y Yu, D Gutt
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024
NFT disruption in platform competition: evidence from trading card collectibles
IF Kanellopoulos, D Gutt, T Li
Available at SSRN 3918256, 2022
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