Brian A Coffman
Brian A Coffman
The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
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Battery powered thought: enhancement of attention, learning, and memory in healthy adults using transcranial direct current stimulation
BA Coffman, VP Clark, R Parasuraman
Neuroimage 85, 895-908, 2014
TDCS guided using fMRI significantly accelerates learning to identify concealed objects
VP Clark, BA Coffman, AR Mayer, MP Weisend, TDR Lane, VD Calhoun, ...
Neuroimage 59 (1), 117-128, 2012
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) produces localized and specific alterations in neurochemistry: a 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy study
VP Clark, BA Coffman, MC Trumbo, C Gasparovic
Neuroscience letters 500 (1), 67-71, 2011
Enhancement of object detection with transcranial direct current stimulation is associated with increased attention
BA Coffman, MC Trumbo, VP Clark
BMC neuroscience 13, 1-8, 2012
Baseline effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on glutamatergic neurotransmission and large-scale network connectivity
MA Hunter, BA Coffman, C Gasparovic, VD Calhoun, MC Trumbo, ...
Brain research 1594, 92-107, 2015
Mismatch negativity in first-episode schizophrenia: a meta-analysis
SM Haigh, BA Coffman, DF Salisbury
Clinical EEG and neuroscience 48 (1), 3-10, 2017
Transcranial direct current stimulation augments perceptual sensitivity and 24-hour retention in a complex threat detection task
B Falcone, BA Coffman, VP Clark, R Parasuraman
PloS one 7 (4), e34993, 2012
Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates neuronal activity and learning in pilot training
J Choe, BA Coffman, DT Bergstedt, MD Ziegler, ME Phillips
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 34, 2016
Enhanced working memory performance via transcranial direct current stimulation: The possibility of near and far transfer
MC Trumbo, LE Matzen, BA Coffman, MA Hunter, AP Jones, ...
Neuropsychologia 93, 85-96, 2016
Impact of tDCS on performance and learning of target detection: interaction with stimulus characteristics and experimental design
BA Coffman, MC Trumbo, RA Flores, CM Garcia, AJ Van Der Merwe, ...
Neuropsychologia 50 (7), 1594-1602, 2012
Cognitive and functional deficits in people with schizophrenia: Evidence for accelerated or exaggerated aging?
PD Harvey, JB Rosenthal
Schizophrenia research 196, 14-21, 2018
Delays in auditory processing identified in preschool children with FASD
JM Stephen, PW Kodituwakku, EL Kodituwakku, L Romero, AM Peters, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 36 (10), 1720-1727, 2012
Transcranial direct current stimulation’s effect on novice versus experienced learning
LM Bullard, ES Browning, VP Clark, BA Coffman, CM Garcia, RE Jung, ...
Experimental brain research 213, 9-14, 2011
Tracking the neuroplastic changes associated with transcranial direct current stimulation: a push for multimodal imaging
MA Hunter, BA Coffman, MC Trumbo, VP Clark
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 495, 2013
Using joint ICA to link function and structure using MEG and DTI in schizophrenia
JM Stephen, BA Coffman, RE Jung, JR Bustillo, CJ Aine, VD Calhoun
Neuroimage 83, 418-430, 2013
Primary visual response (M100) delays in adolescents with FASD as measured with MEG
BA Coffman, P Kodituwakku, EL Kodituwakku, L Romero, ...
Human brain mapping 34 (11), 2852-2862, 2013
Granger causal time-dependent source connectivity in the somatosensory network
L Gao, L Sommerlade, B Coffman, T Zhang, JM Stephen, D Li, J Wang, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10399, 2015
Abnormal auditory pattern perception in schizophrenia
SM Haigh, BA Coffman, TK Murphy, CD Butera, DF Salisbury
Schizophrenia research 176 (2-3), 473-479, 2016
Mindfulness-based training with transcranial direct current stimulation modulates neuronal resource allocation in working memory: A randomized pilot study with a nonequivalent …
MA Hunter, G Lieberman, BA Coffman, MC Trumbo, ML Armenta, ...
Heliyon 4 (7), 2018
Impairment in mismatch negativity but not repetition suppression in schizophrenia
BA Coffman, SM Haigh, TK Murphy, DF Salisbury
Brain topography 30, 521-530, 2017
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