Anders Dysvik
Anders Dysvik
Professor of Organizational Behavior at BI Norwegian Business School
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What goes around comes around: Knowledge hiding, perceived motivational climate, and creativity
M Černe, CGL Nerstad, A Dysvik, M Škerlavaj
Academy of Management journal 57 (1), 172-192, 2014
Do intrinsic and extrinsic motivation relate differently to employee outcomes?
B Kuvaas, R Buch, A Weibel, A Dysvik, CGL Nerstad
Journal of Economic Psychology 61, 244-258, 2017
Exploring alternative relationships between perceived investment in employee development, perceived supervisor support and employee outcomes
B Kuvaas, A Dysvik
Human Resource Management Journal 20 (2), 138-156, 2010
Perceived investment in employee development, intrinsic motivation and work performance
B Kuvaas, A Dysvik
Human resource management journal 19 (3), 217-236, 2009
The relationship between perceived training opportunities, work motivation and employee outcomes
A Dysvik, B Kuvaas
International Journal of Training and development 12 (3), 138-157, 2008
Lønnsomhet gjennom menneskelige ressurser: evidensbasert HRM
B Kuvaas, A Dysvik
Fagbokforl., 2016
The role of multilevel synergistic interplay among team mastery climate, knowledge hiding, and job characteristics in stimulating innovative work behavior
M Černe, T Hernaus, A Dysvik, M Škerlavaj
Human Resource Management Journal 27 (2), 281-299, 2017
Understanding knowledge hiding in organizations
CE Connelly, M Černe, A Dysvik, M Škerlavaj
Journal of organizational behavior 40 (7), 779-782, 2019
Intrinsic motivation as a moderator on the relationship between perceived job autonomy and work performance
A Dysvik, B Kuvaas
European journal of work and organizational psychology 20 (3), 367-387, 2011
Exploring the relative and combined influence of mastery‐approach goals and work intrinsic motivation on employee turnover intention
A Dysvik, B Kuvaas
Personnel review 39 (5), 622-638, 2010
Tell me if you can: time pressure, prosocial motivation, perspective taking, and knowledge hiding
M Škerlavaj, CE Connelly, M Cerne, A Dysvik
Journal of knowledge management 22 (7), 1489-1509, 2018
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as predictors of work effort: The moderating role of achievement goals
A Dysvik, B Kuvaas
British Journal of Social Psychology 52 (3), 412-430, 2013
Goal orientation: A review of the miles traveled and the miles to go
D Vandewalle, CGL Nerstad, A Dysvik
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 6 (1 …, 2019
Economic and social leader–member exchange relationships and follower performance
B Kuvaas, R Buch, A Dysvik, T Haerem
The Leadership Quarterly 23 (5), 756-765, 2012
An investigation of the unique, synergistic and balanced relationships between basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation
A Dysvik, B Kuvaas, M Gagné
Journal of applied social psychology 43 (5), 1050-1064, 2013
Do you get what you pay for? Sales incentives and implications for motivation and changes in turnover intention and work effort
B Kuvaas, R Buch, M Gagne, A Dysvik, J Forest
Motivation and Emotion 40, 667-680, 2016
Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture
A Smale, S Bagdadli, R Cotton, S Dello Russo, M Dickmann, A Dysvik, ...
Journal of organizational behavior 40 (1), 105-122, 2019
I get by with a little help from my supervisor: Creative-idea generation, idea implementation, and perceived supervisor support
M Škerlavaj, M Černe, A Dysvik
The Leadership Quarterly 25 (5), 987-1000, 2014
Empowering leadership, employee goal orientations and work performance: A competing hypothesis approach
S I. Wong Humborstad, C GL Nerstad, A Dysvik
Personnel review 43 (2), 246-271, 2014
Perceived job autonomy and turnover intention: The moderating role of perceived supervisor support
A Dysvik, B Kuvaas
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 22 (5), 563-573, 2013
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