Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Vivian S.W. LiWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 3
Bioengineering human intestinal mucosal grafts using patient-derived organoids, fibroblasts and scaffolds
L Meran, L Tullie, S Eaton, P De Coppi, VSW Li
Nature Protocols 18 (1), 108-135, 2023
Mandate: Cancer Research UK, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council …
Extracellular matrix remodeling in intestinal homeostasis and disease
SE Lee, I Massie, L Meran, VSW Li
Advances in Stem Cells and their Niches 2, 99-140, 2018
Mandate: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, European …
Cell scientist to watch–Vivian Li
V Li
Journal of Cell Science 134 (16), 2021
Mandate: Cancer Research UK
Verfügbar: 57
Prospective derivation of a living organoid biobank of colorectal cancer patients
M Van de Wetering, HE Francies, JM Francis, G Bounova, F Iorio, A Pronk, ...
Cell 161 (4), 933-945, 2015
Mandate: Dutch Cancer Society
In vitro expansion of single Lgr5+ liver stem cells induced by Wnt-driven regeneration
M Huch, C Dorrell, SF Boj, JH Van Es, VSW Li, M Van De Wetering, ...
Nature 494 (7436), 247-250, 2013
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Whole-genome sequencing and comprehensive molecular profiling identify new driver mutations in gastric cancer
K Wang, ST Yuen, J Xu, SP Lee, HHN Yan, ST Shi, HC Siu, S Deng, ...
Nature genetics 46 (6), 573-582, 2014
Mandate: UK Medical Research Council, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Unlimited in vitro expansion of adult bi‐potent pancreas progenitors through the Lgr5/R‐spondin axis
M Huch, P Bonfanti, SF Boj, T Sato, CJM Loomans, M Van De Wetering, ...
The EMBO journal 32 (20), 2708-2721, 2013
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust
A brief history of organoids
C Corrò, L Novellasdemunt, VSW Li
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 319 (1), C151-C165, 2020
Mandate: Versus Arthritis, UK, Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council …
Extracellular matrix hydrogel derived from decellularized tissues enables endodermal organoid culture
GG Giobbe, C Crowley, C Luni, S Campinoti, M Khedr, K Kretzschmar, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5658, 2019
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Cancer Research UK, UK …
Targeting Wnt signaling in colorectal cancer. A review in the theme: cell signaling: proteins, pathways and mechanisms
L Novellasdemunt, P Antas, VSW Li
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 309 (8), C511-C521, 2015
Mandate: UK Medical Research Council
Reg4+ deep crypt secretory cells function as epithelial niche for Lgr5+ stem cells in colon
N Sasaki, N Sachs, K Wiebrands, SIJ Ellenbroek, A Fumagalli, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (37), E5399-E5407, 2016
Mandate: UK Medical Research Council
The environmental sensor AHR protects from inflammatory damage by maintaining intestinal stem cell homeostasis and barrier integrity
A Metidji, S Omenetti, S Crotta, Y Li, E Nye, E Ross, V Li, MR Maradana, ...
Immunity 49 (2), 353-362. e5, 2018
Mandate: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust
Peyer's Patch M Cells Derived from Lgr5+ Stem Cells Require SpiB and Are Induced by RankL in Cultured “Miniguts”
W de Lau, P Kujala, K Schneeberger, S Middendorp, VSW Li, N Barker, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 32 (18), 3639-3647, 2012
Mandate: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Diabetes risk gene and Wnt effector Tcf7l2/TCF4 controls hepatic response to perinatal and adult metabolic demand
SF Boj, JH van Es, M Huch, VSW Li, A José, P Hatzis, M Mokry, ...
Cell 151 (7), 1595-1607, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Serine synthesis pathway inhibition cooperates with dietary serine and glycine limitation for cancer therapy
M Tajan, M Hennequart, EC Cheung, F Zani, AK Hock, N Legrave, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 366, 2021
Mandate: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust
The kinase TNIK is an essential activator of Wnt target genes
T Mahmoudi, VSW Li, SS Ng, N Taouatas, RGJ Vries, S Mohammed, ...
The EMBO journal 28 (21), 3329-3340, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Identification of the transcription factor single-minded homologue 2 as a potential biomarker and immunotherapy target in prostate cancer
MS Arredouani, B Lu, M Bhasin, M Eljanne, W Yue, JM Mosquera, ...
Clinical cancer research 15 (18), 5794-5802, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Intestinal stem cell niche: the extracellular matrix and cellular components
L Meran, A Baulies, VSW Li
Stem cells international 2017 (1), 7970385, 2017
Mandate: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for …
Profiling proliferative cells and their progeny in damaged murine hearts
K Kretzschmar, Y Post, M Bannier-Hélaouët, A Mattiotti, J Drost, O Basak, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (52), E12245-E12254, 2018
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Netherlands Organisation …
USP7 is a tumor-specific WNT activator for APC-mutated colorectal cancer by mediating β-catenin deubiquitination
L Novellasdemunt, V Foglizzo, L Cuadrado, P Antas, A Kucharska, ...
Cell reports 21 (3), 612-627, 2017
Mandate: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust
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