Jenn-Yah Yu
Jenn-Yah Yu
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
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RNA interference by expression of short-interfering RNAs and hairpin RNAs in mammalian cells
JY Yu, SL DeRuiter, DL Turner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (9), 6047-6052, 2002
MicroRNA miR-124 regulates neurite outgrowth during neuronal differentiation
JY Yu, KH Chung, M Deo, RC Thompson, DL Turner
Experimental cell research 314 (14), 2618-2633, 2008
Detection of mammalian microRNA expression by in situ hybridization with RNA oligonucleotides
M Deo, JY Yu, KH Chung, M Tippens, DL Turner
Developmental dynamics: an official publication of the American Association …, 2006
microRNAs regulate human embryonic stem cell division
J Qi, JY Yu, HR Shcherbata, J Mathieu, AJ Wang, S Seal, W Zhou, ...
Cell cycle 8 (22), 3729-3741, 2009
Simultaneous inhibition of GSK3α and GSK3β using hairpin siRNA expression vectors
JY Yu, J Taylor, SL DeRuiter, AB Vojtek, DL Turner
Molecular Therapy 7 (2), 228-236, 2003
Akt regulates basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor–coactivator complex formation and activity during neuronal differentiation
AB Vojtek, J Taylor, SL DeRuiter, JY Yu, C Figueroa, RPS Kwok, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 23 (13), 4417-4427, 2003
Foxp2 regulates neuronal differentiation and neuronal subtype specification
YC Chiu, MY Li, YH Liu, JY Ding, JY Yu, TW Wang
Developmental neurobiology 74 (7), 723-738, 2014
Dicer-1-dependent Dacapo suppression acts downstream of Insulin receptor in regulating cell division of Drosophila germline stem cells
JY Yu, SH Reynolds, SD Hatfield, HR Shcherbata, KA Fischer, EJ Ward, ...
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 136 (9), 1497-1507, 2009
Stage-specific differences in the requirements for germline stem cell maintenance in the Drosophila ovary
HR Shcherbata, EJ Ward, KA Fischer, JY Yu, SH Reynolds, CH Chen, ...
Cell stem cell 1 (6), 698-709, 2007
YAP regulates neuronal differentiation through Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway
YT Lin, JY Ding, MY Li, TS Yeh, TW Wang, JY Yu
Experimental cell research 318 (15), 1877-1888, 2012
Protogenin defines a transition stage during embryonic neurogenesis and prevents precocious neuronal differentiation
YH Wong, AC Lu, YC Wang, HC Cheng, C Chang, PH Chen, JY Yu, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (12), 4428-4439, 2010
The Hippo pathway controls polar cell fate through Notch signaling during Drosophila oogenesis
HJ Chen, CM Wang, TW Wang, GJ Liaw, TH Hsu, TH Lin, JY Yu
Developmental biology 357 (2), 370-379, 2011
The Hippo Pathway Controls Border Cell Migration Through Distinct Mechanisms in Outer Border Cells and Polar Cells of the Drosophila Ovary
TH Lin, TH Yeh, TW Wang, JY Yu
Genetics 198 (3), 1087-1099, 2014
Effects of maternal immune activation on adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone–olfactory bulb pathway and olfactory discrimination
YH Liu, WS Lai, HJ Tsay, TW Wang, JY Yu
Schizophrenia research 151 (1-3), 1-11, 2013
The Hippo pathway acts downstream of the Hedgehog signaling to regulate follicle stem cell maintenance in the Drosophila ovary
TH Hsu, CY Yang, TH Yeh, YC Huang, TW Wang, JY Yu
Scientific reports 7 (1), 4480, 2017
Ginkgolide B promotes neuronal differentiation through the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in neural stem cells of the postnatal mammalian subventricular zone
MY Li, CT Chang, YT Han, CP Liao, JY Yu, TW Wang
Scientific reports 8 (1), 14947, 2018
Use of short hairpin RNA expression vectors to study mammalian neural development
JY Yu, TW Wang, AB Vojtek, JM Parent, DL Turner
Methods in enzymology 392, 186-199, 2005
Ascl1 promotes tangential migration and confines migratory routes by induction of Ephb2 in the telencephalon
YH Liu, JW Tsai, JL Chen, WS Yang, PC Chang, PL Cheng, DL Turner, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 42895, 2017
Pheromones from males of different familiarity exert divergent effects on adult neurogenesis in the female accessory olfactory bulb
JH Wu, YT Han, JY Yu, TW Wang
Developmental Neurobiology 73 (8), 632-645, 2013
Modulation of cell morphogenesis by tousled‐like kinase in the Drosophila follicle cell
TH Yeh, SY Huang, WY Lan, GJ Liaw, JY Yu
Developmental Dynamics 244 (7), 852-865, 2015
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