Nick Parr
Nick Parr
Former Professor of Demography, Macquarie University
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Satisfaction with life as an antecedent of fertility: Partner+ Happiness= Children?
N Parr
Demographic Research 22 (21), 635-662, 2010
The contribution of increases in family benefits to Australia's early 21st-century fertility increase: An empirical analysis.
N Parr, R Guest
Demographic Research 25 (6), 215-244, 2011
The socio-economic status of migrant populations in regional and rural Australia and its implications for future population policy
SJL Massey, N Parr
Journal of Population Research 29 (1), 1-21, 2012
The relationship between atmospheric lead emissions and aggressive crime: an ecological study
MP Taylor, MK Forbes, B Opeskin, N Parr, BP Lanphear
Environmental Health 15 (23), 2016
Family background, schooling and childlessness in Australia
NJ Parr
Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (2), 229-243, 2005
Mapping schools’ NAPLAN results: a spatial inequality of school outcomes in Australia.
C Smith, N Parr, S Muhidin
Geographical Research 57 (2), 133-150, 2019
Childlessness among men in Australia
N Parr
Population Research and Policy Review 29 (3), 319-338, 2010
Which women stop at one child in Australia?
N Parr
Journal of Population Research 24 (2), 1-20, 2007
Discontinuation of contraceptive use in Ghana
NJ Parr
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 21 (2), 150-157, 2003
Who goes to university? The changing profile of our students
N Parr
The Conversation, 2015
Use of ‘dual protection’and other combinations of contraceptive methods in Australia
N Parr, S Siedlecky
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 31 (6), 567-570, 2007
Climate-related displacement, impoverishment and healthcare accessibility in mainland Bangladesh
MR Haque, N Parr, S Muhidin
Asian Population Studies 16 (2), 220-239, 2020
Family policy and couples’ labour supply: an empirical assessment
R Guest, N Parr
Journal of Population Economics 26 (4), 1631-1660, 2013
Parents' healthcare-seeking behaviour for their children among the climate-related displaced population of rural Bangladesh
MR Haque, N Parr, S Mudidin
Social Science and Medicine 226 (April), 9-20, 2019
A cost of living longer: Projections of the effects of prospective mortality improvement on economic support ratios for 14 advanced economies
N Parr, J Li, L Tickle
Population Studies 70 (2), 181-200, 2016
Occupational concentration and mobility of Asian immigrants in Australia
N Parr, F Guo
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 14 (3), 351-380, 2005
Do children from small families do better?
N Parr
Journal of Population Research 23 (1), 1-25, 2006
Local government and community leaders’ perspectives on child health and mortality and inequity issues in Rural Eastern Indonesia.
JF Pardosi, N Parr, S Muhidin
Journal of Biosocial Science 49 (1), 123-146, 2017
Effect of wealth on marital fertility in Sri Lanka
DP Weerasinghe, NJ Parr
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 20 (2), 112-119, 2002
The effects of family benefits on childbearing decisions: A household optimising approach applied to Australia*
R Guest, N Parr
Economic Record 86 (275), 609-619, 2010
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