Eric Tenthorey
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Evolution of strength recovery and permeability during fluid–rock reaction in experimental fault zones
E Tenthorey, SF Cox, HF Todd
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 206 (1-2), 161-172, 2003
Cohesive strengthening of fault zones during the interseismic period: An experimental study
E Tenthorey, SF Cox
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B9), 2006
Composition of fluids during serpentinite breakdown in subduction zones: evidence for limited boron mobility
E Tenthorey, J Hermann
Geology 32 (10), 865-868, 2004
Geomechanical analysis of the Naylor Field, Otway Basin, Australia: Implications for CO2 injection and storage
S Vidal-Gilbert, E Tenthorey, D Dewhurst, J Ennis-King, P Van Ruth, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 4 (5), 827-839, 2010
Precipitation sealing and diagenesis: 1. Experimental results
E Tenthorey, CH Scholz, E Aharonov, A Léger
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B10), 23951-23967, 1998
Containment of CO2 in CCS: Role of Caprocks and Faults
J Kaldi, R Daniel, E Tenthorey, K Michael, U Schacht, A Nicol, ...
Energy Procedia 37, 5403-5410, 2013
Permeability evolution in quartz fault gouges under hydrothermal conditions
SB Giger, E Tenthorey, SF Cox, JD Fitz Gerald
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B7), 2007
Reaction-enhanced permeability during serpentinite dehydration
E Tenthorey, SF Cox
Geology 31 (10), 921-924, 2003
Precipitation sealing and diagenesis: 2. Theoretical analysis
E Aharonov, E Tenthorey, CH Scholz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B10), 23969-23981, 1998
Feedbacks between deformation, hydrothermal reaction and permeability evolution in the crust: Experimental insights
E Tenthorey, JDF Gerald
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 247 (1-2), 117-129, 2006
The petrogenesis of a sapphirine-bearing meta-troctolite in the Buck Creek ultramafic body, Clay County, N.C
E Tenthorey, J Ryan, E Snow
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 14 (2), 1996
Modelling the geomechanics of gas storage: A case study from the Iona gas field, Australia
E Tenthorey, S Vidal-Gilbert, G Backé, R Puspitasari, ZJ Pallikathekathil, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 13, 138-148, 2013
Slip localization and fault weakening as a consequence of fault gouge strengthening—Insights from laboratory experiments
SB Giger, SF Cox, E Tenthorey
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 276 (1-2), 73-84, 2008
Validating subsurface monitoring as an alternative option to Surface M&V-the CO2CRC's Otway Stage 3 Injection
C Jenkins, S Marshall, T Dance, J Ennis-King, S Glubokovskikh, ...
Energy Procedia 114, 3374-3384, 2017
Caprock systems for CO2 geological storage
J Kaldi, R Daniel, E Tenthorey, K Michael, U Schacht, A Nicol, ...
IAEGHG Rep 1, 149, 2011
Polygonal faulting and seal integrity in the Bonaparte Basin, Australia
H Seebeck, E Tenthorey, C Consoli, A Nicol
Marine and Petroleum Geology 60, 120-135, 2015
Fault modelling and geomechanical integrity associated with the CO2CRC Otway 2C injection experiment
E Tenthorey, T Dance, Y Cinar, J Ennis-King, J Strand
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 30, 72-85, 2014
Prospective hydrogen production regions of Australia
AJ Feitz, E Tenthorey, RA Coghlan
Hydrogen Knowledge Centre, 2019
A regional assessment of CO2 storage potential in the Browse Basin: results of a study undertaken as part of the National CO2 Infrastructure Plan
N Rollet, G Bernardel, L Wang, ST Abbott, ME Lech, RP Romeyn, ...
Geoscience Australia, 2016
Geological structure and kinematics of normal faults in the Otway Basin, Australia, based on quantitative analysis of 3‐D seismic reflection data
J Ziesch, CM Aruffo, DC Tanner, T Beilecke, T Dance, A Henk, B Weber, ...
Basin Research 29 (2), 129-148, 2017
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