Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Benjamin Van DoorslaerWeitere Informationen
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Climate impacts in Europe
JC Ciscar, L Feyen, A Soria, C Lavalle, F Raes, M Perry, F Nemry, ...
The JRC PESETA II Project. JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, EUR 26586EN 458, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
A grassland strategy for farming systems in Europe to mitigate GHG emissions—An integrated spatially differentiated modelling approach
A Gocht, M Espinosa, A Leip, E Lugato, LA Schroeder, B Van Doorslaer, ...
Land Use Policy 58, 318-334, 2016
Mandate: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
What role will climate change play in EU agricultural markets? An integrated assessment taking into account carbon fertilization effects
P Martinez, M Blanco, B Van Doorslaer, F Ramos, A Ceglar
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 15 (3), e0115-e0115, 2017
Mandate: Government of Spain
What role will climate change play in EU agricultural markets? An integrated assessment taking into account carbon fertilization effects
P Martínez Muñoz, M Blanco Fonseca, B Van Doorslaer, F Ramos, ...
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 15 (3), e0115, 2017
Mandate: Government of Spain
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