Roberto Lindig Cisneros
Roberto Lindig Cisneros
Centro de Investigciones en Ecosistemas, UNAM
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The role of forest genetic resources in responding to biotic and abiotic factors in the context of anthropogenic climate change
RI Alfaro, B Fady, GG Vendramin, IK Dawson, RA Fleming, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 333, 76-87, 2014
Abies religiosa habitat prediction in climatic change scenarios and implications for monarch butterfly conservation in Mexico
C Sáenz-Romero, GE Rehfeldt, P Duval, RA Lindig-Cisneros
Forest Ecology and Management 275, 98-106, 2012
Phalaris arundinacea seedling establishment: effects of canopy complexity in fen, mesocosm, and restoration experiments
R Lindig-Cisneros, JB Zedler
canadian Journal of Botany 80 (6), 617-624, 2002
Effect of light on seed germination in Phalaris arundinacea L.(reed canary grass)
R Lindig-Cisneros, J Zedler
Plant Ecology 155, 75-78, 2001
The replacement of wetland vegetation by reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea)
DA Maurer, R Lindig-Cisneros, KJ Werner, S Kercher, R Miller, JB Zedler
Ecological Restoration 21 (2), 116-119, 2003
Relationships between canopy complexity and germination microsites for Phalaris arundinacea L.
R Lindig-Cisneros, JB Zedler
Oecologia 133, 159-167, 2002
Conservation and restoration of pine forest genetic resources in Mexico
C Sáenz-Romero, AE Snively, R Lindig-Cisneros
Silvae Genetica, 2003
Incorporating restoration in sustainable forestry management: Using pine‐bark mulch to improve native species establishment on tephra deposits
A Blanco‐García, R Lindig‐Cisneros
Restoration Ecology 13 (4), 703-709, 2005
Assisted migration of forest populations for adapting trees to climate change
C Sáenz-Romero, RA Lindig-Cisneros, DG Joyce, J Beaulieu, JB St Clair, ...
Revista Chapingo serie ciencias forestales y del ambiente 22 (3), 303-323, 2016
Functional equivalency of restored and natural salt marshes
JB Zedler, R Lindig-Cisneros
Concepts and controversies in tidal marsh ecology, 565-582, 2000
Halophyte recruitment in a salt marsh restoration site
R Lindig-Cisneros, JB Zedler
Estuaries 25, 1174-1183, 2002
Wetland restoration thresholds: can a degradation transition be reversed with increased effort?
R Lindig-Cisneros, J Desmond, KE Boyer, JB Zedler
Ecological Applications 13 (1), 193-205, 2003
Assisted migration field tests in Canada and Mexico: Lessons, limitations, and challenges
C Sáenz-Romero, G O’Neill, SN Aitken, R Lindig-Cisneros
Forests 12 (1), 9, 2020
Restoration planning to guide Aichi targets in a megadiverse country
W Tobón, T Urquiza‐Haas, P Koleff, M Schröter, R Ortega‐Álvarez, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (5), 1086-1097, 2017
Altitudinal assisted migration of Mexican pines as an adaptation to climate change
D Castellanos-Acuña, R Lindig-Cisneros, C Sáenz-Romero
Ecosphere 6 (1), 1-16, 2015
Nurse-plant and mulching effects on three conifer species in a Mexican temperate forest
A Blanco-García, C Sáenz-Romero, C Martorell, P Alvarado-Sosa, ...
Ecological Engineering 37 (6), 994-998, 2011
Suitable climatic habitat changes for Mexican conifers along altitudinal gradients under climatic change scenarios
E Gómez‐Pineda, C Sáenz‐Romero, JM Ortega‐Rodríguez, ...
Ecological Applications 30 (2), e02041, 2020
Recent evidence of Mexican temperate forest decline and the need for ex situ conservation, assisted migration, and translocation of species ensembles as adaptive management to …
C Sáenz-Romero, E Mendoza-Maya, E Gómez-Pineda, A Blanco-García, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50 (9), 843-854, 2020
Structural equation modeling as a tool to develop conservation strategies using environmental indicators: The case of the forests of the Magdalena river basin in Mexico City
G Santibáñez-Andrade, S Castillo-Argüero, EV Vega-Peña, ...
Ecological Indicators 54, 124-136, 2015
Feathering the scene: The effects of ecological restoration on birds and the role birds play in evaluating restoration outcomes
R Ortega-Álvarez, R Lindig-Cisneros
Ecological Restoration 30 (2), 116-127, 2012
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