Shucheng Xie
Shucheng Xie
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Quantification of Holocene Asian monsoon rainfall from spatially separated cave records
C Hu, GM Henderson, J Huang, S Xie, Y Sun, KR Johnson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 266 (3-4), 221-232, 2008
Two episodes of microbial change coupled with Permo/Triassic faunal mass extinction
S Xie, RD Pancost, H Yin, H Wang, RP Evershed
Nature 434 (7032), 494-497, 2005
n-Alkane distributions in ombrotrophic mires as indicators of vegetation change related to climatic variation
CJ Nott, S Xie, LA Avsejs, D Maddy, FM Chambers, RP Evershed
Organic geochemistry 31 (2-3), 231-235, 2000
Rapid oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere 2.33 billion years ago
G Luo, S Ono, NJ Beukes, DT Wang, S Xie, RE Summons
Science advances 2 (5), e1600134, 2016
Changes in the global carbon cycle occurred as two episodes during the Permian–Triassic crisis
S Xie, RD Pancost, J Huang, PB Wignall, J Yu, X Tang, L Chen, X Huang, ...
Geology 35 (12), 1083-1086, 2007
Reconstruction of late glacial and Holocene climate evolution in southern China from geolipids and pollen in the Dingnan peat sequence
W Zhou, S Xie, PA Meyers, Y Zheng
Organic Geochemistry 36 (9), 1272-1284, 2005
Lipid biomarkers in the Zoigê-Hongyuan peat deposit: Indicators of Holocene climate changes in West China
Y Zheng, W Zhou, PA Meyers, S Xie
Organic Geochemistry 38 (11), 1927-1940, 2007
East Asian hydroclimate modulated by the position of the westerlies during Termination I
H Zhang, ML Griffiths, JCH Chiang, W Kong, S Wu, A Atwood, J Huang, ...
Science 362 (6414), 580-583, 2018
Molecular and isotopic stratigraphy in an ombrotrophic mire for paleoclimate reconstruction
S Xie, CJ Nott, LA Avsejs, D Maddy, FM Chambers, RP Evershed
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (13), 2849-2862, 2004
Palaeoclimate records in compound-specific δD values of a lipid biomarker in ombrotrophic peat
S Xie, CJ Nott, LA Avsejs, F Volders, D Maddy, FM Chambers, A Gledhill, ...
Organic Geochemistry 31 (10), 1053-1057, 2000
A highly redox-heterogeneous ocean in South China during the early Cambrian (∼ 529–514 Ma): Implications for biota-environment co-evolution
C Jin, C Li, TJ Algeo, NJ Planavsky, H Cui, X Yang, Y Zhao, X Zhang, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 441, 38-51, 2016
Concordant monsoon-driven postglacial hydrological changes in peat and stalagmite records and their impacts on prehistoric cultures in central China
S Xie, RP Evershed, X Huang, Z Zhu, RD Pancost, PA Meyers, L Gong, ...
Geology 41 (8), 827-830, 2013
Correlations between microbial tetraether lipids and environmental variables in Chinese soils: Optimizing the paleo-reconstructions in semi-arid and arid regions
H Yang, RD Pancost, X Dang, X Zhou, RP Evershed, G Xiao, C Tang, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 126, 49-69, 2014
Links between the East Asian monsoon and North Atlantic climate during the 8,200 year event
YH Liu, GM Henderson, CY Hu, AJ Mason, N Charnley, KR Johnson, ...
Nature Geoscience 6 (2), 117-120, 2013
Postglacial climate-change record in biomarker lipid compositions of the Hani peat sequence, Northeastern China
W Zhou, Y Zheng, PA Meyers, AJT Jull, S Xie
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (1-2), 37-46, 2010
Changes in marine productivity and redox conditions during the Late Ordovician Hirnantian glaciation
L Zhou, TJ Algeo, J Shen, ZF Hu, H Gong, S Xie, JH Huang, S Gao
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 420, 223-234, 2015
Holocene ENSO-related cyclic storms recorded by magnetic minerals in speleothems of central China
Z Zhu, JM Feinberg, S Xie, MD Bourne, C Huang, C Hu, H Cheng
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (5), 852-857, 2017
Cyanobacterial blooms tied to volcanism during the 5 my Permo-Triassic biotic crisis
S Xie, RD Pancost, Y Wang, H Yang, PB Wignall, G Luo, C Jia, L Chen
Geology 38 (5), 447-450, 2010
The 6-methyl branched tetraethers significantly affect the performance of the methylation index (MBT′) in soils from an altitudinal transect at Mount Shennongjia
H Yang, X Lü, W Ding, Y Lei, X Dang, S Xie
Organic Geochemistry 82, 42-53, 2015
Isotopic evidence for an anomalously low oceanic sulfate concentration following end-Permian mass extinction
G Luo, LR Kump, Y Wang, J Tong, MA Arthur, H Yang, J Huang, H Yin, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 300 (1-2), 101-111, 2010
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