Juha Heikkinen
Juha Heikkinen
Professor of statistical methods, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
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Biomass expansion factors (BEFs) for Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch according to stand age for boreal forests
A Lehtonen, R Mäkipää, J Heikkinen, R Sievänen, J Liski
Forest Ecology and management 188 (1-3), 211-224, 2004
Estimating areal means and variances of forest attributes using the k-Nearest Neighbors technique and satellite imagery
RE McRoberts, EO Tomppo, AO Finley, J Heikkinen
Remote sensing of environment 111 (4), 466-480, 2007
Spatial interpolation of monthly climate data for Finland: comparing the performance of kriging and generalized additive models
J Aalto, P Pirinen, J Heikkinen, A Venäläinen
Theoretical and applied climatology 112, 99-111, 2013
Designing and conducting a forest inventory-case: 9th National Forest Inventory of Finland
E Tomppo, J Heikkinen, HM Henttonen, A Ihalainen, M Katila, H Mäkelä, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Fully Bayesian approach to image restoration with an application in biogeography
J Heikkinen, H Högmander
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 43 …, 1994
Non‐parametric Bayesian estimation of a spatial Poisson intensity
J Heikkinen, E Arjas
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 25 (3), 435-450, 1998
Forests of Finland 2014–2018 and their development 1921–2018
KT Korhonen, A Ahola, J Heikkinen, HM Henttonen, JP Hotanen, ...
Silva Fennica 55 (5), 2021
Large‐scale changes in abundance of terricolous bryophytes and macrolichens in Finland
R Mäkipää, J Heikkinen
Journal of vegetation science 14 (4), 497-508, 2003
Bayesian inference for the Brown-Resnick process, with an application to extreme low temperatures
E Thibaud, J Aalto, DS Cooley, AC Davison, J Heikkinen
The Annals of Applied Statistics, 2303-2324, 2016
Sample-based estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from forests—a new approach to account for both sampling and model errors
G Ståhl, J Heikkinen, H Petersson, J Repola, S Holm
Forest Science 60 (1), 3-13, 2014
The Yasso07 soil carbon model–Testing against repeated soil carbon inventory
M Rantakari, A Lehtonen, T Linkosalo, M Tuomi, P Tamminen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 286, 137-147, 2012
Suomen metsät 2009–2013 ja niiden kehitys 1921–2013
KT Korhonen, A Ihalainen, A Ahola, J Heikkinen, HM Henttonen, ...
Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke), 2017
Testing hypotheses on shape and distribution of ecological response curves
J Heikkinen, R Mäkipää
Ecological Modelling 221 (3), 388-399, 2010
An algorithm for nonparametric Bayesian estimation of a Poisson intensity
E Arjas, J Heikkinen
DE, 1997
Suomen metsävarat metsäkeskuksittain 2004–2006 ja metsävarojen kehitys 1996–2006
KT Korhonen, A Ihalainen, J Heikkinen, H Henttonen, J Pitkänen
Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 2007
Bayesian smoothing in the estimation of the pair potential function of Gibbs point processes
J Heikkinen, A Penttinen
Modeling a Poisson forest in variable elevations: a nonparametric Bayesian approach
J Heikkinen, E Arjas
Biometrics 55 (3), 738-745, 1999
Etelä-Pohjanmaan metsäkeskuksen alueen metsävarat ja niiden kehitys 1968–97
E Tomppo, H Henttonen, KT Korhonen, A Aarnio, A Ahola, J Heikkinen, ...
Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 1998
Soil CO2 balance and its uncertainty in forestry-drained peatlands in Finland
P Ojanen, A Lehtonen, J Heikkinen, T Penttilä, K Minkkinen
Forest Ecology and Management 325, 60-73, 2014
Multisource inventory of the forests of the Hebei Forestry Bureau, Heilongjiang, China
E Tomppo, KT Korhonen, J Heikkinen, H Yli-Kojola
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2001
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