Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Sarah DonnellyWeitere Informationen
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The covid-19 pandemic and care homes for older people in Europe-deaths, damage and violations of human rights
JC Anand, S Donnelly, A Milne, H Nelson-Becker, EL Vingare, B Deusdad, ...
European Journal of Social Work 25 (5), 804-815, 2022
Mandate: European Commission
What are the mechanisms that support healthcare professionals to adopt assisted decision-making practice? A rapid realist review
C Davies, F Fattori, D O’Donnell, S Donnelly, É Ní Shé, M O. Shea, ...
BMC health services research 19, 1-14, 2019
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
Minding the gap: identifying values to enable public and patient involvement at the pre-commencement stage of research projects
É Ní Shé, J Cassidy, C Davies, A De Brún, S Donnelly, E Dorris, N Dunne, ...
Research Involvement and Engagement 6, 1-10, 2020
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
Reflections on the use of community based participatory research to affect social and political change: examples from research with refugees and older people in Ireland
S Donnelly, MN Raghallaigh, M Foreman
European Journal of Social Work 22 (5), 831-844, 2019
Mandate: Irish Research Council
Assisted decision-making and interprofessional collaboration in the care of older people: a qualitative study exploring perceptions of barriers and facilitators in the acute …
S Donnelly, D Ó Coimín, D O’Donnell, É Ní Shé, C Davies, L Christophers, ...
Journal of Interprofessional Care 35 (6), 852-862, 2021
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
“What bothers me most is the disparity between the choices that people have or don’t have”: A qualitative study on the health systems responsiveness to implementing the …
É Ní Shé, D O’Donnell, S Donnelly, C Davies, F Fattori, T Kroll
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (9), 3294, 2020
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
Promoting assisted decision-making in acute care settings for care planning purposes: Study protocol
D O'Donnell, É Ní Shé, C Davies, S Donnelly, T Cooney, D O'Coimin, ...
HRB Open Research 1, 2, 2018
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
What are the mechanisms that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research? A rapid realist review protocol
É Ní Shé, C Davies, C Blake, R Crowley, A McCann, B Fullen, ...
HRB Open Research 1, 7, 2018
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
Developing competence in interprofessional collaboration within integrated care teams for older people in the Republic of Ireland: A starter kit
D O’Donnell, G O’Donoghue, É Ní Shé, M O’Shea, S Donnelly
Journal of Interprofessional Care 37 (3), 480-490, 2023
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
What are the mechanisms that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research? A rapid realist review protocol
ÉN Shé, C Davies, C Blake, R Crowley, A McCann, B Fullen, D O'Donnell, ...
HRB Open Research 1 (7), 7, 2018
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
Impact of integrated care coordination on pediatric asthma hospital presentations
N Homaira, E Dickins, S Hodgson, M Chan, S Wales, M Gray, S Donnelly, ...
Frontiers in pediatrics 10, 929819, 2022
Mandate: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
‘Language has been granted too much power’.1,p.1 Challenging the power of words with time and flexibility in the precommencement stage of research involving …
L Locock, D O'Donnell, S Donnelly, L Ellis, T Kroll, ÉN Shé, S Ryan
Health Expectations 25 (6), 2609-2613, 2022
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland, UK Economic and Social Research Council …
Reflexive professionalisation in social work practice development, research, and education: The vital challenge of democratic citizen participation
L Van Beveren, N Feryn, J Tourne, W Lorenz, R Roose, I Åberg, ...
European Journal of Social Work 27 (4), 840-854, 2024
Mandate: European Commission
Developing a model to explain users' ethical perceptions regarding the use of care robots in home care: A cross-sectional study in Ireland, Finland, and Japan
H Ide, S Suwa, Y Akuta, N Kodate, M Tsujimura, M Ishimaru, ...
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 116, 105137, 2024
Mandate: European Commission
An examination of relational dynamics of power in the context of supported (assisted) decision‐making with older people and those with disabilities in an acute healthcare setting
D O′ Donnell, C Davies, L Christophers, É Ní Shé, S Donnelly, T Kroll
Health Expectations 26 (3), 1339-1348, 2023
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
Embedding collective leadership to foster collaborative inter-professional working in the care of older people (ECLECTIC): Study protocol
SG Anjara, ÉN Shé, M O'Shea, G O'Donoghue, S Donnelly, J Brennan, ...
HRB Open Research 3, 8, 2020
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
Admission of an older person into a care home in Europe: exploring the dimensions of a ‘Healthy Transition’and the potential role of social work
A Milne, M Ray, S Donnelly, SP Lonbay, L Montgomery, F Corradini, ...
European Journal of Social Work 27 (6), 1152-1165, 2024
Mandate: National Institute for Health Research, UK
‘Ageing well’: Discursive constructions of ageing and health in the public reach of a national longitudinal study on ageing
G Fealy, M Di Placido, D O'Donnell, J Drennan, F Timmins, M Barnard, ...
Social Science & Medicine 341, 116518, 2024
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
A realist process evaluation of an intervention to promote competencies in interprofessional collaboration among interdisciplinary integrated care teams for older people: study …
D O'Donnell, E Ahern, C Davies, A De Brún, S Donnelly, T Doran, A Drury, ...
HRB Open Research 6, 49, 2023
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
Dementia research in Ireland: What should we prioritise?
C Rogan, B Rock, E Begley, B Boland, K Brazil, U Diaz-Orueta, ...
HRB Open Research 6, 12, 2023
Mandate: Health Research Board, Ireland
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