Sarah Donnelly
Sarah Donnelly
Associate Professor of Social Work,University College Dublin
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Voices that matter: end-of-life care in two acute hospitals from the perspective of bereaved relatives
S Donnelly, G Prizeman, DÓ Coimín, B Korn, G Hynes
BMC palliative care 17, 1-13, 2018
How are people with dementia involved in care-planning and decision-making? An Irish social work perspective
S Donnelly, E Begley, M O’Brien
Dementia 18 (7-8), 2985-3003, 2019
Social work, mental health, older people and COVID-19
J Brennan, P Reilly, K Cuskelly, S Donnelly
International psychogeriatrics 32 (10), 1205-1209, 2020
Older people in the context of COVID-19: A European perspective
P Pentaris, P Willis, M Ray, B Deusdad, S Lonbay, M Niemi, S Donnelly
Journal of gerontological social work 63 (8), 736-742, 2020
The covid-19 pandemic and care homes for older people in Europe-deaths, damage and violations of human rights
JC Anand, S Donnelly, A Milne, H Nelson-Becker, EL Vingare, B Deusdad, ...
European Journal of Social Work 25 (5), 804-815, 2022
Exploring perceptions toward home-care robots for older people in Finland, Ireland, and Japan: a comparative questionnaire study
S Suwa, M Tsujimura, N Kodate, S Donnelly, H Kitinoja, J Hallila, ...
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 91, 104178, 2020
Dying in acute hospitals: voices of bereaved relatives
D Ó Coimín, G Prizeman, B Korn, S Donnelly, G Hynes
BMC palliative care 18, 1-16, 2019
Multiprofessional views on older patients’ participation in care planning meetings in a hospital context
SM Donnelly, J Carter-Anand, S Cahill, R Gilligan, B Mehigan, D O’Neill
Practice 25 (2), 121-138, 2013
What are the mechanisms that support healthcare professionals to adopt assisted decision-making practice? A rapid realist review
C Davies, F Fattori, D O’Donnell, S Donnelly, É Ní Shé, M O. Shea, ...
BMC health services research 19, 1-14, 2019
Meeting Older People's Preferences for Care; Policy but what about practice?
SOB Donnelly, M Begley, J E and Brennan
Minding the gap: identifying values to enable public and patient involvement at the pre-commencement stage of research projects
É Ní Shé, J Cassidy, C Davies, A De Brún, S Donnelly, E Dorris, N Dunne, ...
Research Involvement and Engagement 6, 1-10, 2020
Home‐care robots–Attitudes and perceptions among older people, carers and care professionals in Ireland: a questionnaire study
N Kodate, S Donnelly, S Suwa, M Tsujimura, H Kitinoja, J Hallila, ...
Health & social care in the community 30 (3), 1086-1096, 2022
Reflections on the use of community based participatory research to affect social and political change: examples from research with refugees and older people in Ireland
S Donnelly, MN Raghallaigh, M Foreman
European Journal of Social Work 22 (5), 831-844, 2019
Assisted decision-making and interprofessional collaboration in the care of older people: a qualitative study exploring perceptions of barriers and facilitators in the acute …
S Donnelly, D Ó Coimín, D O’Donnell, É Ní Shé, C Davies, L Christophers, ...
Journal of Interprofessional Care 35 (6), 852-862, 2021
Creating organisational and practice change through the use of co-operative inquiry groups in healthcare settings
S Donnelly, S Morton
Action Research 17 (4), 451-468, 2019
Adult safeguarding legislation and policy rapid realist literature review
S Donnelly, M O'Brien, J Walsh, J McInerney, J Campbell, N Kodate
Health Services Executive, 2017
I’d prefer to stay at home but I don’t have a choice
S Donnelly, M O’Brien, E Begley, J Brennan
Meeting Older People’s Preference for Care: Policy, but what about practice, 2016
“What bothers me most is the disparity between the choices that people have or don’t have”: A qualitative study on the health systems responsiveness to implementing the …
É Ní Shé, D O’Donnell, S Donnelly, C Davies, F Fattori, T Kroll
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (9), 3294, 2020
Promoting assisted decision-making in acute care settings for care planning purposes: Study protocol
D O'Donnell, É Ní Shé, C Davies, S Donnelly, T Cooney, D O'Coimin, ...
HRB Open Research 1, 2, 2018
Safeguarding people living with dementia: How social workers can use supported decision-making strategies to support the human rights of individuals during adult safeguarding …
J Dixon, S Donnelly, J Campbell, J Laing
The British Journal of Social Work 52 (3), 1307-1324, 2022
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