David Mann
David Mann
Associate Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Action specificity increases anticipatory performance and the expert advantage in natural interceptive tasks
DL Mann, B Abernethy, D Farrow
Acta psychologica 135 (1), 17-23, 2010
The head tracks and gaze predicts: how the world’s best batters hit a ball
DL Mann, W Spratford, B Abernethy
PloS one 8 (3), e58289, 2013
Age-ordered shirt numbering reduces the selection bias associated with the relative age effect
DL Mann, PJMA van Ginneken
Journal of sports sciences 35 (8), 784-790, 2017
Modified perceptual training in sport: a new classification framework
SM Hadlow, D Panchuk, DL Mann, MR Portus, B Abernethy
Journal of science and medicine in sport 21 (9), 950-958, 2018
The role of central and peripheral vision in expert decision making
D Ryu, B Abernethy, DL Mann, JM Poolton, AD Gorman
Perception 42 (6), 591-607, 2013
Does visual-perceptual training augment the fielding performance of skilled cricketers?
MJ Hopwood, DL Mann, D Farrow, T Nielsen
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 6 (4), 523-535, 2011
Time to broaden the scope of research on anticipatory behavior: a case for the role of probabilistic information
R Cañal-Bruland, DL Mann
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 1518, 2015
Action preferences and the anticipation of action outcomes
DL Mann, T Schaefers, R Cañal-Bruland
Acta Psychologica 152, 1-9, 2014
But I can’t pass that far! The influence of motor skill on decision making
L Bruce, D Farrow, A Raynor, D Mann
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 13 (2), 152-161, 2012
Searching for the elusive gift: advances in talent identification in sport
DL Mann, N Dehghansai, J Baker
Current Opinion in Psychology 16, 128-133, 2017
Expert consensus statement to guide the evidence-based classification of Paralympic athletes with vision impairment: a Delphi study
HJCR Ravensbergen, DL Mann, SJ Kamper
British Journal of Sports Medicine 50 (7), 386-391, 2016
Research needs for the development of evidence-based systems of classification for physical, vision, and intellectual impairments
SM Tweedy, D Mann, YC Vanlandewijck
Training and Coaching the Paralympic Athlete. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 122-149, 2016
Perceptual-cognitive skill and the in situ performance of soccer players
MJJ van Maarseveen, RRD Oudejans, DL Mann, GJP Savelsbergh
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (2), 455-470, 2018
The influence of viewing perspective on decision-making and visual search behaviour in an invasive sport.
DL Mann, D Farrow, R Shuttleworth, M Hopwood
International Journal of Sport Psychology 40 (4), 546-564, 2009
Guiding Attention Aids the Acquisition of Anticipatory Skill in Novice Soccer Goalkeepers
D Ryu, S Kim, B Abernethy, DL Mann
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 84 (2), 252-262, 2013
Is optimal vision required for the successful execution of an interceptive task?
DL Mann, NY Ho, NJ De Souza, DR Watson, SJ Taylor
Human movement science 26 (3), 343-356, 2007
International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) joint position stand on the sport-specific classification of athletes with vision …
DL Mann, HJC Ravensbergen
Sports Medicine 48 (9), 2011-2023, 2018
The resilience of natural interceptive actions to refractive blur
DL Mann, B Abernethy, D Farrow
Human movement science 29 (3), 386-400, 2010
The contributions of central and peripheral vision to expertise in basketball: How blur helps to provide a clearer picture.
D Ryu, B Abernethy, DL Mann, JM Poolton
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (1), 167, 2015
16 Anticipatory behavior and expert performance
B Abernethy, D Farrow, AD Gorman, DL Mann
Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 287, 2012
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