dr Pauline E.J. Spaan
dr Pauline E.J. Spaan
Clinical Neuropsychologist, in private practice
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Alzheimer's disease versus normal ageing: a review of the efficiency of clinical and experimental memory measures
PEJ Spaan, JGW Raaijmakers, C Jonker
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 25 (2), 216-233, 2003
Early assessment of dementia: the contribution of different memory components.
PEJ Spaan, JGW Raaijmakers, C Jonker
Neuropsychology 19 (5), 629-640, 2005
Symptom validity testing in memory clinics: Hippocampal-memory associations and relevance for diagnosing mild cognitive impairment
A Rienstra, PFC Groot, PEJ Spaan, CBLM Majoie, AJ Nederveen, ...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 35 (1), 59-70, 2013
Validation of symptom validity tests using a “child-model” of adult cognitive impairments
A Rienstra, PEJ Spaan, B Schmand
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 25 (5), 371-382, 2010
Episodic and semantic memory functioning in very old age: Explanations from executive functioning and processing speed theories
PEJ Spaan
Cogent Psychology 2 (1), 1109782, 2015
Priming effects from young-old to very old age on a word-stem completion task: minimizing explicit contamination
PEJ Spaan, JGW Raaijmakers
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 18 (1), 86-107, 2010
Episodic and semantic memory impairments in (very) early Alzheimer’s disease: The diagnostic accuracy of paired-associate learning formats
PEJ Spaan
Cogent Psychology 3 (1), 1125076, 2016
Reference data for the word memory test
A Rienstra, PEJ Spaan, B Schmand
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 24 (3), 255-262, 2009
Cognitive decline in normal aging and early Alzheimer’s disease: A continuous or discontinuous transition? A historical review and future research proposal
PEJ Spaan
Cogent Psychology 3 (1), 1185226, 2016
Visual associations cued recall A Paradigm for Measuring Episodic Memory Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease
SRA Meyer, PEJ Spaan, L Boelaarts, RWHM Ponds, B Schmand, ...
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 23 (5), 566-577, 2016
Cognitieve achteruitgang bij normale veroudering en de ziekte van Alzheimer: Een continue of discontinue overgang?
PEJ Spaan
Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie 7 (1), 3-15, 2012
Cognitive decline in normal ageing and early Alzheimer’s disease: A continuous or discontinuous transition?
PEJ Spaan, CV Dolan
Behavioural neurology 23 (4), 203, 2011
Visuele Associatie Test (VAT)
P Spaan, JM Bouma
Handboek neuropsychologische diagnostiek, 283-296, 2012
Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG)
P Spaan, A Bouma
AmsterdamPearson, 2012
Vroegdiagnostiek van dementie: de bijdrage van verschillende geheugencomponenten
P Spaan
Neuropraxis 7, 88-93, 2003
Een verbale-omschrijvingen-variant van de Boston Naming Test: Verbeterde detectie van woordvindproblemen bij normale veroudering en de ziekte van Alzheimer
PEJ Spaan
Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie 11 (3), 2017
Master Thesis Predictive model of pre-psychotic risk factors in Ultra High Risk (UHR) subjects.
F Soen, AMC Tutors, DH Nieman, S Dragt, PEJ Spaan
Program directors: Annette de Groot, Victor Lamme, Jeroen Raaijmakers
BS Schilt, S Scholte, H Slagter, P Spaan, P Starreveld, L Talamini, ...
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