B. K. Shreyamsha Kumar
B. K. Shreyamsha Kumar
Sonstige NamenB. K. S. Kumar, B. K. Kumar, SK Bidare Kantharajappa
Concordia University, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Montreal, Canada
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Image fusion based on pixel significance using cross bilateral filter
BK Shreyamsha Kumar
Signal, image and video processing 9 (5), 1193-1204, 2015
Multifocus and Multispectral Image Fusion based on Pixel Significance using Discrete Cosine Harmonic Wavelet Transform
BK Shreyamsha Kumar
Signal, Image and Video Processing 7, 1125-1143, 2013
Image denoising based on non-local means filter and its method noise thresholding
BK Shreyamsha Kumar
Signal, image and video processing 7 (6), 1211-1227, 2013
Image denoising based on gaussian/bilateral filter and its method noise thresholding
BK Shreyamsha Kumar
Signal, Image and Video Processing 7 (6), 1159–1172, 2013
JPEG image encryption using fuzzy PN sequences
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, CR Patil
Signal, image and video processing 4 (4), 419-427, 2010
Multiresolution DCT decomposition for multifocus image fusion
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad
2013 26th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2013
Target identification using harmonic wavelet based ISAR imaging
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, B Prabhakar, K Suryanarayana, V Thilagavathi, ...
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2006 (1), 2006
Improved Wigner-Ville distribution performance based on DCT/DFT harmonic wavelet transform and modified magnitude group delay
SV Narasimhan, AR Haripriya, BK Shreyamsha Kumar
Signal Processing 88 (1), 1-18, 2008
FPGA based simple and fast JPEG encryptor
B Kishore, BK Shreyamsha Kumar, CR Patil
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 10 (3), 551-559, 2015
Weighted residual minimization in PCA subspace for visual tracking
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, MNS Swamy, M Omair Ahmad
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 986-989, 2016
Edge envelope based reconstruction of torn document
SA SantoshKumar, BK Shreyamsha Kumar
Proceedings of the Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics …, 2010
Visual tracking using structural local DCT sparse appearance model with occlusion detection
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (6), 7243-7266, 2019
Structural local DCT sparse appearance model for visual tracking
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, MNS Swamy, M Omair Ahmad
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1194-1197, 2015
Harmonic wavelet transform signal decomposition and modified group delay for improved Wigner-Ville distribution
SV Narasimhan, BK Shreyamsha Kumar
International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2004
Automatic foot ulcer segmentation using conditional generative adversarial network (AFSegGAN): A wound management system
P Jishnu, BK Shreyamsha Kumar, S Jayaraman
PLOS Digital Health 2 (11), 2023
Wound Care: Wound Management System
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, KC Anandakrishan, M Sumant, S Jayaraman
IEEE Access, 2023
Visual tracking via bilateral 2DPCA and robust coding
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, MNS Swamy, M Omair Ahmad
2016 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE …, 2016
Image Denoising using Discrete Cosine Harmonic Wavelets
BK Shreyamsha Kumar
Visual Tracking Based on Correlation Filter and Robust Coding in Bilateral 2DPCA Subspace
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad
IEEE Access 6, 73052-73067, 2018
Wound Care: Wound Segmentation and Parameter Estimation
BK Shreyamsha Kumar, KC Anandakrishan, S Jayaraman
2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-4, 2023
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