Michelle R. Gaither
Michelle R. Gaither
Associate Professor, University of Central Florida
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The origins of tropical marine biodiversity
TL Brian W Bowen, Luiz A Rocha, Robert J Toonen
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28 (6), 359–366, 2013
Comparative phylogeography of the ocean planet
BW Bowen, MR Gaither, JD DiBattista, M Iacchei, KR Andrews, WS Grant, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (29), 7962-7969, 2016
A review of contemporary patterns of endemism for shallow water reef fauna in the Red Sea
JD DiBattista, MB Roberts, J Bouwmeester, BW Bowen, DJ Coker, ...
Journal of Biogeography 43 (3), 423-439, 2016
Genetic evaluation of marine biogeographical barriers: perspectives from two widespread Indo‐Pacific snappers (Lutjanus kasmira and Lutjanus fulvus)
MR Gaither, RJ Toonen, DR Robertson, S Planes, BW Bowen
Journal of Biogeography 37 (1), 133-147, 2010
Defining boundaries for Ecosystem-based management: a multispecies case study of marine connectivity across the Hawaiian Archipelago
T Robert J, A Kimberly R, B Iliana B, B Christopher E, C Gregory T, ...
Journal of Marine Biology 2011, 2011
On the origin of endemic species in the Red Sea
JD DiBattista, J Howard Choat, MR Gaither, JPA Hobbs, ...
Journal of Biogeography 43 (1), 13-30, 2016
Origins of species richness in the Indo‐Malay‐Philippine biodiversity hotspot: Evidence for the centre of overlap hypothesis
MR Gaither, LA Rocha
Journal of biogeography 40 (9), 1638-1648, 2013
Reefs and islands of the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean: why it is the world's largest no‐take marine protected area
CRC Sheppard, M Ateweberhan, BW Bowen, P Carr, CA Chen, C Clubbe, ...
Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 22 (2), 232-261, 2012
Phylogeography of the reef fish Cephalopholis argus(Epinephelidae) indicates Pleistocene isolation across the indo-pacific barrier with contemporary overlap in …
MR Gaither, BW Bowen, TR Bordenave, LA Rocha, SJ Newman, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 11, 1-16, 2011
After continents divide: comparative phylogeography of reef fishes from the R ed S ea and I ndian O cean
JD DiBattista, ML Berumen, MR Gaither, LA Rocha, JA Eble, JH Choat, ...
Journal of Biogeography 40 (6), 1170-1181, 2013
Emergent Patterns of Population Genetic Structure for a Coral Reef Community
KA Selkoe, OE Gaggiotti, K Andrews, M Bernal, C Bird, H Bolick, I Baums, ...
Molecular ecology, 2014
Genomic signatures of geographic isolation and natural selection in coral reef fishes
MR Gaither, MA Bernal, RR Coleman, BW Bowen, SA Jones, WB Simison, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (7), 1543-1557, 2015
A practical guide to sample preservation and pre‐PCR processing of aquatic environmental DNA
G Kumar, JE Eble, MR Gaither
Molecular ecology resources 20 (1), 29-39, 2020
Fishes that rule the world: circumtropical distributions revisited
MR Gaither, BW Bowen, LA Rocha, JC Briggs
Fish and Fisheries 17 (3), 664-679, 2016
High connectivity in the deepwater snapper Pristipomoides filamentosus (Lutjanidae) across the Indo-Pacific with isolation of the Hawaiian Archipelago
MR Gaither, SA Jones, C Kelley, SJ Newman, L Sorenson, BW Bowen
PLoS One 6 (12), e28913, 2011
The Genomic Observatories Metadatabase (GeOMe): A new repository for field and sampling event metadata associated with genetic samples
J Deck, MR Gaither, R Ewing, CE Bird, N Davies, C Meyer, C Riginos, ...
PLoS biology 15 (8), e2002925, 2017
Seascape genetics along environmental gradients in the Arabian Peninsula: insights from ddRAD sequencing of anemonefishes
P Saenz‐Agudelo, JD Dibattista, MJ Piatek, MR Gaither, HB Harrison, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (24), 6241-6255, 2015
Preservation of corals in salt-saturated DMSO buffer is superior to ethanol for PCR experiments
MR Gaither, Z Szabó, MW Crepeau, CE Bird, RJ Toonen
Coral Reefs 30, 329-333, 2011
Twisted sister species of pygmy angelfishes: discordance between taxonomy, coloration, and phylogenetics
JD DiBattista, E Waldrop, BW Bowen, JK Schultz, MR Gaither, RL Pyle, ...
Coral Reefs 31, 839-851, 2012
One size does not fit all: Tuning eDNA protocols for high‐and low‐turbidity water sampling
G Kumar, E Farrell, AM Reaume, JA Eble, MR Gaither
Environmental DNA 4 (1), 167-180, 2022
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