Drew E Walker
Drew E Walker
Assistant Teaching Professor, University of California, San Diego
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Hierarchical encoding makes individuals in a group seem more attractive
D Walker, E Vul
Psychological Science 25 (1), 230-235, 2014
Who’s funny: Gender stereotypes, humor production, and memory bias
L Mickes, DE Walker, JL Parris, R Mankoff, NJS Christenfeld
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 19, 108-112, 2012
Alternating Current Voltammetry at Solid Electrodes
DE Walker, RN Adams, AL Juliard
Analytical Chemistry 32 (11), 1526-1528, 1960
A test of two methods of arithmetic fluency training and implications for educational practice
D Walker, L Mickes, D Bajic, CR Nailon, TC Rickard
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 2 (1), 25-32, 2013
The" Fundamental Attribution Error" is rational in an uncertain world
DW Walker, KA Smith, E Vul
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2015
Specificity of children’s arithmetic learning
D Walker, D Bajic, L Mickes, J Kwak, TC Rickard
Journal of experimental child psychology 122, 62-74, 2014
Alternating Current Voltammetry with Controlled Alternating Potential
DE Walker, RN Adams, JR Alden
Analytical Chemistry 33 (2), 308-309, 1961
Reconsidering the “bias” in “the correspondence bias”.
D Walker, KA Smith, E Vul
Decision 9 (3), 263, 2022
Video self-modeling and kicking accuracy on the non-preferred side
K Steel, R Adams, S Coulson, P Clothier, D Walker
Science and football VII, 267-272, 2013
Memes and math instruction
M Van, D Walker, S Trott, C Pilegard
Department of Cognitive Science University of California, San Diego, 2021
The ‘‘Fundamental Attribution Error’’Is Rational in an Uncertain World2547
DE Walker, KA Smith, E Vul
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2015
The cheerleader effect: Hierarchical encoding of individuals in groups
D Walker, E Vul
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 853-853, 2013
Turing Jest: Do Large Language Models have a Sense of Humor?
S Trott, DE Walker, S Coulson
Blame the player and the game
D Walker, E Vul
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 43 (43), 2021
2 Massive insights in infancy: Discovering mass & mo-mentum
KA Smith, D Walker, TR Besold, T Ullman
Summer School, 5, 2014
Humor Detection and Appreciation: Human versus LLM performance
S Trott, DE Walker, S Coulson
OSF, 2023
Humor Comprehension: Human vs. Language Model Performance
DE Walker, S Trott, S Coulson
OSF, 2023
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
M Jalbert, M Wack, P Arya, L Williams
Successes of the Intuitive Psychologist: Observers make reasonable judgments inthe role conferred advantage paradigm
D Walker, N Christenfeld, E Vul
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 41, 2019
Successes of the Intuitive Psychologist: Observers make reasonable judgments in the'role conferred advantage'paradigm.
D Walker, N Christenfeld, E Vul
CogSci, 3382, 2019
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