MV-modules A Di Nola, P Flondor, I Leuştean Journal of Algebra 267 (1), 21-40, 2003 | 75 | 2003 |
Łukasiewicz logic and Riesz spaces A Di Nola, I Leuştean Soft Computing 18 (12), 2349-2363, 2014 | 58 | 2014 |
Non-commutative Łukasiewicz propositional logic I Leuştean Archive for Mathematical Logic 45, 191-213, 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
Łukasiewicz logic and MV-algebras A Di Nola, I Leustean Handbook of mathematical fuzzy logic 2, 469-583, 2011 | 33 | 2011 |
Monadic and closure MV-algebras G Georgescu, A Iorgulescu, I Leustean Multi. Val. Logic 3, 235-257, 1998 | 32 | 1998 |
Cauchy completions of MV-algebras RN Ball, G Georgescu, I Leuştean Algebra Universalis 47 (4), 367-407, 2002 | 29 | 2002 |
Local pseudo MV-algebras I Leuştean Soft Computing 5, 386-395, 2001 | 29 | 2001 |
Metric completions of MV-algebras with states: an approach to stochastic independence I Leuştean Journal of Logic and Computation 21 (3), 493-508, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Lexicographic MV-algebras and lexicographic states D Diaconescu, T Flaminio, I Leuştean Fuzzy Sets and Systems 244, 63-85, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Riesz MV-algebras and their logic A Di Nola, I Leustean Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic …, 2011 | 14 | 2011 |
Similarity MV-algebras B Gerla, I Leuştean Fundamenta Informaticae 69 (3), 287-300, 2006 | 14 | 2006 |
MV-algebras with operators (the commutative and the non-commutative case) P Flondor, I Leuştean Discrete mathematics 274 (1-3), 41-76, 2004 | 13 | 2004 |
Tensor products of MV-algebras P Flondor, I Leustean Soft Computing 7, 446-457, 2003 | 13 | 2003 |
A representation theorem for monadic Pavelka algebras. G Georgescu, I Leustean J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 6 (1), 105-111, 2000 | 13 | 2000 |
Adding real coefficients to łukasiewicz logic: An application to neural networks A Di Nola, B Gerla, I Leustean Fuzzy Logic and Applications: 10th International Workshop, WILF 2013, Genoa …, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
States on perfect MV-algebras A Di Nola, G Georgescu, I Leuştean Discovering the world with fuzzy logic, 105-125, 2000 | 12 | 2000 |
Scalar extensions for algebraic structures of Łukasiewicz logic S Lapenta, I Leuştean Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (4), 1538-1553, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Infinitary logic and basically disconnected compact Hausdorff spaces A Di Nola, S Lapenta, I LeuŞtean Journal of Logic and Computation 28 (6), 1275-1292, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Towards understanding the Pierce–Birkhoff conjecture via MV-algebras S Lapenta, I Leuştean Fuzzy sets and systems 276, 114-130, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Convergence in perfect MV-algebras G Georgescu, I Leustean Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 228 (1), 96-111, 1998 | 10 | 1998 |