Fabio Perlatti
Fabio Perlatti
PhD, National Mining Agency of Brazil (ANM) - ESALQ/USP
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Copper release from waste rocks in an abandoned mine (NE, Brazil) and its impacts on ecosystem environmental quality
F Perlatti, EP Martins, DP de Oliveira, F Ruiz, V Asensio, CF Rezende, ...
Chemosphere 262, 127843, 2021
The potential of a Technosol and tropical native trees for reclamation of copper-polluted soils
V Asensio, FG Flórido, F Ruiz, F Perlatti, XL Otero, DP Oliveira, ...
Chemosphere 220, 892-899, 2019
Copper accumulation and changes in soil physical–chemical properties promoted by native plants in​​ an abandoned mine site in northeastern Brazil: Implications for restoration …
F Perlatti, TO Ferreira, RE Romero, MCG Costa, XL Otero
Ecological engineering 82, 103-111, 2015
Revealing tropical technosols as an alternative for mine reclamation and waste management
F Ruiz, F Perlatti, DP Oliveira, TO Ferreira
Minerals 10 (2), 110, 2020
Impact of mining-induced deforestation on soil surface temperature and carbon stocks: A case study using remote sensing in the Amazon rainforest
F Chaddad, FAO Mello, M Tayebi, JL Safanelli, LR Campos, MTA Amorim, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119, 103983, 2022
Trace metal/metalloid concentrations in waste rock, soils and spontaneous plants in the surroundings of an abandoned mine in semi-arid NE-Brazil
F Perlatti, TO Ferreira, FA da Costa Roberto, RE Romero, LR Sartor, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 5427-5441, 2015
Geochemical speciation and dynamic of copper in tropical semi-arid soils exposed to metal-bearing mine wastes
F Perlatti, XL Otero, F Macias, TO Ferreira
Science of the Total Environment 500, 91-102, 2014
Screening of native tropical trees for phytoremediation in copper-polluted soils
V Asensio, F G. Flórido, F Ruiz, F Perlatti, XL Otero, TO Ferreira
International Journal of Phytoremediation 20 (14), 1456-1463, 2018
Constructing soils for climate-smart mining
F Ruiz, JL Safanelli, F Perlatti, MR Cherubin, JAM Demattê, CEP Cerri, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 219, 2023
Copper biogeochemistry in response to rhizosphere soil processes under four native plant species growing spontaneously in an abandoned mine site in NE Brazil
F Perlatti, TO Ferreira, LR Sartor, XL Otero
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 1-15, 2016
Mineração no semiárido brasileiro
Brasília: DNPM, 2009
Cu dynamics in the rhizosphere of native tropical species: assessing the potential for phytostabilization in mining-impacted soils
DP de Oliveira, HM Queiroz, F Perlatti, AD Ferreira, V Asensio, ...
Minerals 12 (2), 130, 2022
Revealing tropical technosols as an alternative for mine reclamation and waste management. Minerals 10: 110
F Ruiz, F Perlatti, DP Oliveira, TO Ferreira
What emerging technologies and innovations present opportunities for economic repurposing of mined land, assets, and waste materials?
F Perlatti, EJ Gagen
Research Directions: Mine closure and transitions 1, e1, 2024
Adsorption and Sequential Extraction of Copper in Technosols Prepared from Unconsolidated Mining Wastes Rich in Limestone, Bentonite, and Organic Matter
F Perlatti, F Ruiz, XL Otero, TO Ferreira
Mining 3 (1), 151-162, 2023
Risk assessment and copper geochemistry of an orchard irrigated with mine water: a case study in the semiarid region of Brazil
DP Oliveira, GN Nóbrega, F Ruiz, F Perlatti, AA Soares, XL Otero, ...
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 41, 603-615, 2019
Challenges of mine closure as a tool for reconciling mining with local communities and conservation units in the Amazon
F Evangelista Kutchenski Junior, F Perlatti, AE Marques, ...
Mine Closure 2024: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mine …, 2024
Sustainable Mining as the Key for the Ecological Transition: Current Trends and Future Perspectives
P Lattanzi, E Dore, F Perlatti, HG Brink
MDPI-Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024
Editorial for the Special Issue “Sustainable Mining as the Key for the Ecological Transition: Current Trends and Future Perspectives”
HG Brink, E Dore, F Perlatti, P Lattanzi
Minerals 14 (4), 389, 2024
Legacy coal mines in Southern Brazil: Actions from National Mining Agency to promote fair mine closure and their transitions to another land-use
F Perlatti, FE Kutchenski, HA Pasti, CA Silva, OJS Lamarque
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine …, 2023
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