Kethi Mullei
Kethi Mullei
Health Systems researcher, Independent Consultant
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Policy interventions that attract nurses to rural areas: a multicountry discrete choice experiment
D Blaauw, E Erasmus, N Pagaiya, V Tangcharoensathein, K Mullei, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 88 (5), 350-356, 2010
Attracting and retaining health workers in rural areas: investigating nurses’ views on rural posts and policy interventions
K Mullei, S Mudhune, J Wafula, E Masamo, M English, C Goodman, ...
BMC health services research 10 (Suppl 1), S1, 2010
Appealing to altruism: an alternative strategy to address the health workforce crisis in developing countries?
R Smith, M Lagarde, D Blaauw, C Goodman, M English, K Mullei, ...
Journal of Public Health, fds066, 2012
The challenges of achieving high training coverage for IMCI: case studies from Kenya and Tanzania
HP Mushi, K Mullei, J Macha, F Wafula, J Borghi, C Goodman, L Gilson
Health policy and planning, czq068, 2010
A case study of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) implementation in Kenya
K Mullei, F Wafula, C Goodman
Consortium for Research on Equitable Health Systems (CREHS) working paper, 2008
Attracting and retaining health workers in rural areas: Investigating nurses views, career choices and potential policy interventions
J Wafula, K Mullei, S Mudhune, M Lagarde, D Blaauw, M English, ...
Kenya: e Consortium for Research on Equitable Health Systems, KEMRI Wellcome …, 2011
Adolescent Needs and Mindsets, Desires and Preferences: Insights from HCD+ASRH Programs - A Landscape Analysis: Report 2
KMALF Rimjhim Surana, Tom Kipruto …, 2022
Special theme–Health workforce retention in remote and rural areas
D Blaauw, E Erasmus, N Pagaiya, V Tangcharoensathein, K Mullei, ...
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