Frauke Kreuter
Frauke Kreuter
Professor of Survey Methodology, University of Maryland
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Social desirability bias in CATI, IVR, and web surveys: The effects of mode and question sensitivity
F Kreuter, S Presser, R Tourangeau
Public opinion quarterly 72 (5), 847-865, 2008
Data analysis using Stata
U Kohler, F Kreuter
Stata Corp, 2005
Datenanalyse mit Stata: allgemeine Konzepte der Datenanalyse und ihre praktische Anwendung
U Kohler, F Kreuter
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2016
Practical tools for designing and weighting survey samples
R Valliant, JA Dever, F Kreuter
Springer, 2013
Acceptability of app-based contact tracing for COVID-19: Cross-country survey study
S Altmann, L Milsom, H Zillessen, R Blasone, F Gerdon, R Bach, F Kreuter, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (8), e19857, 2020
Improving surveys with paradata: Analytic uses of process information
F Kreuter
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic among US adults without a pre-existing mental health condition: Findings from American trend panel survey
C Holingue, E Badillo-Goicoechea, KE Riehm, CB Veldhuis, J Thrul, ...
Preventive medicine 139, 106231, 2020
Big data in survey research: AAPOR task force report
L Japec, F Kreuter, M Berg, P Biemer, P Decker, C Lampe, J Lane, ...
Public Opinion Quarterly 79 (4), 839-880, 2015
Using proxy measures and other correlates of survey outcomes to adjust for non-response: examples from multiple surveys
F Kreuter, K Olson, J Wagner, T Yan, TM Ezzati-Rice, C Casas-Cordero, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 173 …, 2010
Mental distress in the United States at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic
C Holingue, LG Kalb, KE Riehm, D Bennett, A Kapteyn, CB Veldhuis, ...
American journal of public health 110 (11), 1628-1634, 2020
Analyzing criminal trajectory profiles: Bridging multilevel and group-based approaches using growth mixture modeling
F Kreuter, B Muthén
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 24, 1-31, 2008
Theory and practice in nonprobability surveys: parallels between causal inference and survey inference
AW Mercer, F Kreuter, S Keeter, EA Stuart
Public Opinion Quarterly 81 (S1), 250-271, 2017
Willingness to participate in passive mobile data collection
F Keusch, B Struminskaya, C Antoun, MP Couper, F Kreuter
Public opinion quarterly 83 (S1), 210-235, 2019
A survey on survey statistics: What is done and can be done in Stata
F Kreuter, R Valliant
The Stata Journal 7 (1), 1-21, 2007
Separating interviewer and sampling-point effects
R Schnell, F Kreuter
Collecting survey and smartphone sensor data with an app: Opportunities and challenges around privacy and informed consent
F Kreuter, GC Haas, F Keusch, S Bähr, M Trappmann
Social Science Computer Review 38 (5), 533-549, 2020
New data sources in social science research: Things to know before working with Reddit data
A Amaya, R Bach, F Keusch, F Kreuter
Social science computer review 39 (5), 943-960, 2021
Tree-based machine learning methods for survey research
C Kern, T Klausch, F Kreuter
Survey research methods 13 (1), 73, 2019
Big data and social science: A practical guide to methods and tools
I Foster, R Ghani, RS Jarmin, F Kreuter, J Lane
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2016
Using paradata to explore item level response times in surveys
MP Couper, F Kreuter
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 176 …, 2013
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