Javier Martínez-Vega
Javier Martínez-Vega
CSIC, Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography (IEGD)
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Development of a framework for fire risk assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies
E Chuvieco, I Aguado, M Yebra, H Nieto, J Salas, MP Martín, L Vilar, ...
Ecological modelling 221 (1), 46-58, 2010
Combining NDVI and surface temperature for the estimation of live fuel moisture content in forest fire danger rating
E Chuvieco, D Cocero, D Riano, P Martin, J Martınez-Vega, J De La Riva, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 92 (3), 322-331, 2004
Integrating geospatial information into fire risk assessment
E Chuvieco, I Aguado, S Jurdao, ML Pettinari, M Yebra, J Salas, ...
International journal of wildland fire 23 (5), 606-619, 2014
Logistic regression models for human-caused wildfire risk estimation: analysing the effect of the spatial accuracy in fire occurrence data
L Vilar del Hoyo, MP Martín Isabel, FJ Martínez Vega
European Journal of Forest Research 130, 983-996, 2011
Multitemporal modelling of socio-economic wildfire drivers in central Spain between the 1980s and the 2000s: comparing generalized linear models to machine learning algorithms
L Vilar, I Gómez, J Martínez-Vega, P Echavarría, D Riaño, MP Martín
PLoS One 11 (8), e0161344, 2016
Guía didáctica de teledetección y medio ambiente
J Martínez Vega, MP Martín, JM Díaz Montejo, JM López Vizoso, ...
Red Nacional de Teledetección Ambiental, 2010
Empleo de técnicas de regresión logística para la obtención de modelos de riesgo humano de incendio forestal a escala regional
LV Del Hoyo, MPM Isabel, JM Vega
Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2008
Impacts of future land use/land cover on wildfire occurrence in the Madrid region (Spain)
M Gallardo, I Gómez, L Vilar, J Martínez-Vega, MP Martín
Regional Environmental Change 16, 1047-1061, 2016
Valoración del paisaje en la zona de especial protección de aves carrizales y sotos de Aranjuez (Comunidad de Madrid)
J Martínez, MP Martín, R Romero
GeoFocus. International Review of Geographical Information Science and …, 2003
Three decades of land-use changes in the region of Madrid and how they relate to territorial planning
M Gallardo, J Martínez-Vega
European planning studies 24 (5), 1016-1033, 2016
Proposal of a system for the integrated and comparative assessment of protected areas
D Rodríguez-Rodríguez, J Martínez-Vega
Ecological indicators 23, 566-572, 2012
Accounting for regional heterogeneity of agricultural sustainability in Spain
S Mili, J Martínez-Vega
Sustainability 11 (2), 299, 2019
Protected area effectiveness against land development in Spain
D Rodríguez-Rodríguez, J Martínez-Vega
Journal of Environmental Management 215, 345-357, 2018
A twenty year GIS-based assessment of environmental sustainability of land use changes in and around protected areas of a fast developing country: Spain
D Rodríguez-Rodríguez, J Martínez-Vega, P Echavarría
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 74 …, 2019
Comparative analysis of CORINE and climate change initiative land cover maps in Europe: Implications for wildfire occurrence estimation at regional and local scales
L Vilar, J Garrido, P Echavarría, J Martinez-Vega, MP Martín
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 78 …, 2019
El factor humano en los incendios forestales. Análisis de factores socio-económicos relacionados con la incidencia de incendios forestales en España
J Martínez, J Martínez Vega, MP Martín
Nuevas tecnologías para la estimación del riesgo de incendios forestales 4 …, 2004
Modelling wildfire occurrence at regional scale from land use/cover and climate change scenarios
L Vilar, S Herrera, E Tafur-García, M Yebra, J Martínez-Vega, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 145, 105200, 2021
Assessing land use-cover changes and modelling change scenarios in two mountain Spanish National Parks
J Martínez-Vega, A Díaz, JM Nava, M Gallardo, P Echavarría
Environments 4 (4), 79, 2017
Generación de un Modelo de Peligro de Incendios Forestales mediante Teledetección y SIG
E Chuvieco, I Aguado, M Yebra, H Nieto, M Martín, L Vilar, J Martínez, ...
Teledetección-Hacia un mejor entendimiento de la dinámica global y regional …, 2007
Necesidad de un marco jurídico para el desarrollo rural en España
MAM Lou, JM Vega, JS Comíns
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Economía y …, 2002
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