Pedro A. Sanchez
Pedro A. Sanchez
Research Professor Soil Science University of Florida
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Properties and Management of Soils in the Tropics
PA Sanchez
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Soil fertility and hunger in Africa
PA Sanchez
Science 295 (5562), 2019-2020, 2002
Nutrient imbalances in agricultural development
PM Vitousek, R Naylor, T Crews, MB David, LE Drinkwater, E Holland, ...
Science 324 (5934), 1519-1520, 2009
Soil fertility replenishment in Africa: an investment in natural resource capital
PA Sanchez, KD Shepherd, MJ Soule, FM Place, RJ Buresh, AMN Izac, ...
Replenishing soil fertility in Africa 51, 1-46, 1997
Science in agroforestry
PA Sanchez
Agroforestry: Science, Policy and Practice: Selected papers from the …, 1995
Nitrogen release from the leaves of some tropical legumes as affected by their lignin and polyphenolic contents
CA Palm, PA Sanchez
Soil biology and biochemistry 23 (1), 83-88, 1991
Radically rethinking agriculture for the 21st century
NV Fedoroff, DS Battisti, RN Beachy, PJM Cooper, DA Fischhoff, ...
science 327 (5967), 833-834, 2010
Limited potential of no-till agriculture for climate change mitigation
DS Powlson, CM Stirling, ML Jat, BG Gerard, CA Palm, PA Sanchez, ...
Nature climate change 4 (8), 678-683, 2014
Low-input technology for managing Oxisols and Ultisols in tropical America
PA Sánchez, JG Salinas
Advances in agronomy 34, 279-406, 1981
Digital soil map of the world
PA Sanchez, S Ahamed, F Carré, AE Hartemink, J Hempel, J Huising, ...
Science 325 (5941), 680-681, 2009
Input subsidies to improve smallholder maize productivity in Malawi: Toward an African green revolution
G Denning, P Kabambe, P Sanchez, A Malik, R Flor, R Harawa, ...
PLoS biology 7 (1), e1000023, 2009
Investing in Development A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals: Overview
JD Sachs, A Binagwaho, N Birdsall, J Broekmans, M Chowdhury, P Garau, ...
Routledge, 2019
Fertility capability soil classification: a tool to help assess soil quality in the tropics
PA Sanchez, CA Palm, SW Buol
Geoderma 114 (3-4), 157-185, 2003
Management considerations for acid soils with high phosphorus fixation capacity
PA Sanchez, G Uehara
The role of phosphorus in agriculture, 471-514, 1980
Amazon basin soils: management for continuous crop production
PA Sanchez, DE Bandy, JH Villachica, JJ Nicholaides
Science 216 (4548), 821-827, 1982
Myths and science about the chemistry and fertility of soils in the tropics
PA Sanchez, TJ Logan
Myths and Science of Soils of the Tropics 29, 35-46, 1992
The state of soil degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Baselines, trajectories, and solutions
K Tully, C Sullivan, R Weil, P Sanchez
Sustainability 7 (6), 6523-6552, 2015
GlobalSoilMap: Toward a fine-resolution global grid of soil properties
D Arrouays, MG Grundy, AE Hartemink, JW Hempel, GBM Heuvelink, ...
Advances in agronomy 125, 93-134, 2014
Soil phosphorus fraction dynamics during 18 years of cultivation on a Typic Paleudult
MA Beck, PA Sanchez
Soil Science Society of America Journal 58 (5), 1424-1431, 1994
The fertility capability soil classification system: interpretation, applicability and modification
PA Sanchez, W Couto, SW Buol
Geoderma 27 (4), 283-309, 1982
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