Alberto Carrassi
Alberto Carrassi
University of Bologna (IT) and University of Reading (UK)
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Data assimilation in the geosciences: An overview of methods, issues, and perspectives
A Carrassi, M Bocquet, L Bertino, G Evensen
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 9 (5), e535, 2018
Combining data assimilation and machine learning to emulate a dynamical model from sparse and noisy observations: A case study with the Lorenz 96 model
J Brajard, A Carrassi, M Bocquet, L Bertino
Journal of Computational Science 44, 101171, 2020
Machine learning with data assimilation and uncertainty quantification for dynamical systems: a review
S Cheng, C Quilodrán-Casas, S Ouala, A Farchi, C Liu, P Tandeo, ...
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 10 (6), 1361-1387, 2023
Scientific challenges of convective-scale numerical weather prediction
JI Yano, MZ Ziemiański, M Cullen, P Termonia, J Onvlee, L Bengtsson, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99 (4), 699-710, 2018
Combining data assimilation and machine learning to infer unresolved scale parametrization
J Brajard, A Carrassi, M Bocquet, L Bertino
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2194), 20200086, 2021
Bayesian inference of chaotic dynamics by merging data assimilation, machine learning and expectation-maximization
M Bocquet, J Brajard, A Carrassi, L Bertino
Foundations of Data Science 2 (1), 55-80, 2020
A review of innovation-based methods to jointly estimate model and observation error covariance matrices in ensemble data assimilation
P Tandeo, P Ailliot, M Bocquet, A Carrassi, T Miyoshi, M Pulido, Y Zhen
Monthly Weather Review 148 (10), 3973-3994, 2020
Comparison of local ensemble transform Kalman filter, 3DVAR, and 4DVAR in a quasigeostrophic model
SC Yang, M Corazza, A Carrassi, E Kalnay, T Miyoshi
Monthly weather review 137 (2), 693-709, 2009
Data assimilation as a learning tool to infer ordinary differential equation representations of dynamical models
M Bocquet, J Brajard, A Carrassi, L Bertino
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 26 (3), 143-162, 2019
A study on cut-off low vertical structure and precipitation in the Mediterranean region
F Porcù, A Carrassi, CM Medaglia, F Prodi, A Mugnai
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 96, 121-140, 2007
Adaptive covariance inflation in the ensemble Kalman filter by Gaussian scale mixtures
PN Raanes, M Bocquet, A Carrassi
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145, 53– 75, 2019
Four-dimensional ensemble variational data assimilation and the unstable subspace
M Bocquet, A Carrassi
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 69 (1), 1304504, 2017
Data assimilation as a nonlinear dynamical systems problem: Stability and convergence of the prediction-assimilation system
A Carrassi, M Ghil, A Trevisan, F Uboldi
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 18 (2), 2008
Degenerate Kalman filter error covariances and their convergence onto the unstable subspace
M Bocquet, KS Gurumoorthy, A Apte, A Carrassi, C Grudzien, ...
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 5 (1), 304-333, 2017
DADA: data assimilation for the detection and attribution of weather and climate-related events
A Hannart, A Carrassi, M Bocquet, M Ghil, P Naveau, M Pulido, J Ruiz, ...
Climatic Change 136, 155-174, 2016
Lyapunov vectors and assimilation in the unstable subspace: theory and applications
L Palatella, A Carrassi, A Trevisan
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (25), 254020, 2013
State and parameter estimation with the extended Kalman filter: an alternative formulation of the model error dynamics
A Carrassi, S Vannitsem
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (655), 435-451, 2011
Accounting for model error in variational data assimilation: A deterministic formulation
A Carrassi, S Vannitsem
Monthly Weather Review 138 (9), 3369-3386, 2010
Stochastic parameterization identification using ensemble Kalman filtering combined with maximum likelihood methods
M Pulido, P Tandeo, M Bocquet, A Carrassi, M Lucini
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 70 (1), 1-17, 2018
Adaptive observations and assimilation in the unstable subspace by breeding on the data-assimilation system
A Carrassi, A Trevisan, F Uboldi
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 59 (1), 101-113, 2007
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