Alison Porter
Alison Porter
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Complexity of the decision-making process of ambulance staff for assessment and referral of older people who have fallen: a qualitative study
M Halter, S Vernon, H Snooks, A Porter, J Close, F Moore, S Porsz
Emergency Medicine Journal 28 (1), 44-50, 2011
Qualitative research within trials: developing a standard operating procedure for a clinical trials unit
F Rapport, M Storey, A Porter, H Snooks, K Jones, J Peconi, A Sánchez, ...
Trials 14, 1-8, 2013
Should I stay or should I go?’Deciding whether to go to hospital after a 999 call
A Porter, H Snooks, A Youren, S Gaze, R Whitfield, F Rapport, M Woollard
Journal of health services research & policy 12 (1_suppl), 32-38, 2007
The impact of general practitioners working in or alongside emergency departments: a rapid realist review
A Cooper, F Davies, M Edwards, P Anderson, A Carson-Stevens, ...
BMJ open 9 (4), e024501, 2019
Support and Assessment for Fall Emergency Referrals (SAFER) 2: a cluster randomised trial and systematic review of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of new …
HA Snooks, R Anthony, R Chatters, J Dale, R Fothergill, S Gaze, M Halter, ...
Health technology assessment 21 (13), 1-218, 2017
Commissioning healthcare for people with long term conditions: the persistence of relational contracting in England’s NHS quasi-market
A Porter, N Mays, SE Shaw, R Rosen, J Smith
BMC Health Services Research 13, 1-9, 2013
The work of commissioning: a multisite case study of healthcare commissioning in England's NHS
SE Shaw, JA Smith, A Porter, R Rosen, N Mays
BMJ open 3 (9), e003341, 2013
Paramedic assessment of older adults after falls, including community care referral pathway: cluster randomized trial
HA Snooks, R Anthony, R Chatters, J Dale, RT Fothergill, S Gaze, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 70 (4), 495-505. e28, 2017
“Covering our backs”: ambulance crews’ attitudes towards clinical documentation when emergency (999) patients are not conveyed to hospital
A Porter, H Snooks, A Youren, S Gaze, R Whitfield, F Rapport, M Woollard
Emergency Medicine Journal 25 (5), 292-295, 2008
Predictive risk stratification model: a progressive cluster-randomised trial in chronic conditions management (PRISMATIC) research protocol
HA Hutchings, BA Evans, D Fitzsimmons, J Harrison, M Heaven, P Huxley, ...
Trials 14, 1-10, 2013
Implementation and use of computerised clinical decision support (CCDS) in emergency pre-hospital care: a qualitative study of paramedic views and experience using Strong …
A Porter, J Dale, T Foster, P Logan, B Wells, H Snooks
Implementation Science 13, 1-10, 2018
Community Health and Wellbeing: action research on health inequalities
S Cropper, G Williams, A Porter
Policy Press, 2007
Effects and costs of implementing predictive risk stratification in primary care: a randomised stepped wedge trial
H Snooks, K Bailey-Jones, D Burge-Jones, J Dale, J Davies, BA Evans, ...
BMJ quality & safety 28 (9), 697-705, 2019
Delays in response and triage times reduce patient satisfaction and enablement after using out-of-hours services
M Kelly, JN Egbunike, P Kinnersley, K Hood, E Owen-Jones, LA Button, ...
Family Practice 27 (6), 652-663, 2010
Paramedics’ perceptions of the care they provide to people who self-harm: A qualitative study using evolved grounded theory methodology
N Rees, A Porter, F Rapport, S Hughes, A John
PLoS One 13 (10), e0205813, 2018
A co-produced method to involve service users in research: the SUCCESS model
BA Evans, A Porter, H Snooks, V Burholt
BMC Medical Research Methodology 19, 1-10, 2019
The association between illness representation profiles and use of unscheduled urgent and emergency health care services
R Lowe, A Porter, H Snooks, L Button, BA Evans
British journal of health psychology 16 (4), 862-879, 2011
Exploring patients’ self-reported experiences of out-of-hours primary care and their suggestions for improvement: a qualitative study
R Poole, A Gamper, A Porter, J Egbunike, A Edwards
Family Practice 28 (2), 210-219, 2011
Asylum seekers’ and refugees’ experiences of accessing health care: a qualitative study
A Khanom, W Alanazy, L Couzens, BA Evans, L Fagan, R Fogarty, A John, ...
BJGP open 5 (6), 2021
Electronic health records in ambulances: the ERA multiple-methods study
A Porter, A Badshah, S Black, D Fitzpatrick, R Harris-Mayes, S Islam, ...
Health Services and Delivery Research 8 (10), 2020
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