David N Showalter
David N Showalter
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Physiological responses of emerald ash borer larvae to feeding on different ash species reveal putative resistance mechanisms and insect counter-adaptations
CM Rigsby, DN Showalter, DA Herms, JL Koch, P Bonello, D Cipollini
Journal of insect physiology 78, 47-54, 2015
Strategic development of tree resistance against forest pathogen and insect invasions in defense-free space
DN Showalter, KF Raffa, RA Sniezko, DA Herms, AM Liebhold, JA Smith, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, 124, 2018
Alkylpyrazines: alarm pheromone components of the little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
DN Showalter, EJ Troyer, M Aklu, EB Jang, MS Siderhurst
Insectes Sociaux 57, 223-232, 2010
Invasive tree pests devastate ecosystems—a proposed new response framework
P Bonello, FT Campbell, D Cipollini, AO Conrad, C Farinas, KJK Gandhi, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 3, 2, 2020
Drought stress increased survival and development of emerald ash borer larvae on coevolved M anchurian ash and implicates phloem‐based traits in resistance
DN Showalter, C Villari, DA Herms, P Bonello
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 20 (2), 170-179, 2018
Fungi associated with galleries of the emerald ash borer
BW Held, S Simeto, NN Rajtar, AJ Cotton, DN Showalter, KE Bushley, ...
Fungal Biology 125 (7), 551-559, 2021
Resistance of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) saplings to larval feeding by the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)
DN Showalter, RJ Saville, ES Orton, RJA Buggs, P Bonello, JKM Brown
Plants, People, Planet 2 (1), 41-46, 2020
Culturable mycobiome of soya bean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) cysts from a long-term soya bean-corn rotation system is dominated by Fusarium
D Haarith, W Hu, D Kim, DN Showalter, S Chen, KE Bushley
Fungal Ecology 42, 100857, 2019
Sex attractant for the banana moth, Opogona sacchari Bojer (Lepidoptera: Tineidae): provisional identification and field evaluation
EB Jang, MS Siderhurst, RG Hollingsworth, DN Showalter, EJ Troyer
Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 66 (4), 454-460, 2010
Field Studies of Wasmannia auropunctata Alkylpyrazines: Towards Management Applicat ions
EJ Troyer, NT Derstine, DN Showalter, EB Jang, MS Siderhurst
Sociobiology 54 (3), 955, 2009
Reintroduction of at-risk forest tree species using biotechnology depends on regulatory policy, informed by science and with public support
DF Jacobs, RK Dumroese, AN Brennan, FT Campbell, AO Conrad, ...
New Forests 54 (4), 587-604, 2023
The Nature and Role of Host Defenses in Forest Pest Invasions: A Case Study Using Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis)
DN Showalter
The Ohio State University, 2017
Draft Genome Resource for Forest Pathogen Coniferiporia weirii – A Facultative Pathogen of Thuja plicata and Callitropsis nootkatensis
S McMurtrey, RI Alcalá-Briseño, DN Showalter, JM LeBoldus
Plant Disease 107 (2), 534-537, 2023
Ovicidal Effect of Entomopathogenic Fungi on Emerald Ash Borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, Eggs
S Simeto, BW Held, DN Showalter, KE Bushley, RA Blanchette
Forests 15 (12), 2170, 2024
Limited effects of thinning on laminated root rot induced tree mortality in Douglas-fir forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA
SB McMurtrey, DN Showalter, AR Carson, M McWilliams, EM Hansen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 572, 122296, 2024
Limited effects of thinning and hardwood rotations on laminated root rot induced tree mortality in Douglas-fir forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA
S McMurtrey, DN Showalter, A Carson, A Leon, J Browning, M McWilliams, ...
Shawn McMurtrey for the degree of Master of Science in Botany and Plant …, 2022
Ecological fits and misfits of emerald ash borer with alternate hosts and their phytochemical basis
D Cipollini, CM Rigsby, DL Peterson, C Villari, D Showalter, P Bonello, ...
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
Battle amid the ashes: Phloem defense expression of resistant and susceptible ash species and associated physiological responses of emerald ash borer larvae
DN Showalter, CM Rigsby, D Cipollini, DA Herms, S Wijeratne, ...
Fungal Biology
BW Held, S Simeto, NN Rajtar, AJ Cotton, DN Showalter, KE Bushley, ...
Using resource-and phytohormone-stress phenotypes to identify ash biomarkers of resistance to emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)
D Showalter
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