Ioannis Agtzidis
Ioannis Agtzidis
Adaptive Sensory Technology
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1D CNN with BLSTM for automated classification of fixations, saccades, and smooth pursuits
M Startsev, I Agtzidis, M Dorr
Behavior Research Methods 51, 556-572, 2019
360-degree video gaze behaviour: A ground-truth data set and a classification algorithm for eye movements
I Agtzidis, M Startsev, M Dorr
Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on multimedia, 1007-1015, 2019
Smooth pursuit detection based on multiple observers
I Agtzidis, M Startsev, M Dorr
Proceedings of the ninth biennial acm symposium on eye tracking research …, 2016
In the pursuit of (ground) truth: A hand-labelling tool for eye movements recorded during dynamic scene viewing
I Agtzidis, M Startsev, M Dorr
2016 IEEE second workshop on eye tracking and visualization (ETVIS), 65-68, 2016
Free visual exploration of natural movies in schizophrenia
JE Silberg, I Agtzidis, M Startsev, T Fasshauer, K Silling, A Sprenger, ...
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 269, 407-418, 2019
Following Forrest Gump: Smooth pursuit related brain activation during free movie viewing
I Agtzidis, I Meyhöfer, M Dorr, R Lencer
NeuroImage 216, 116491, 2020
Characterizing and automatically detecting smooth pursuit in a large-scale ground-truth data set of dynamic natural scenes
M Startsev, I Agtzidis, M Dorr
Journal of Vision 19 (14), 10-10, 2019
Smooth pursuit
M Startsev, I Agtzidis, M Dorr
オンライン]. Available: http://michaeldorr. de/smoothpursuit/.[アクセス日: 28 1 2020], 2016
Two hours in Hollywood: A manually annotated ground truth data set of eye movements during movie clip watching
I Agtzidis, M Startsev, M Dorr
Journal of Eye Movement Research 13 (4), 10.16910/jemr. 13.4. 5, 2020
From Gaussian blobs to naturalistic videos: Comparison of oculomotor behavior across different stimulus complexities
A Goettker, I Agtzidis, DI Braun, M Dorr, KR Gegenfurtner
Journal of vision 20 (8), 26-26, 2020
Manual & automatic detection of smooth pursuit in dynamic natural scenes
M Startsev, I Agtzidis, M Dorr
Proceedings of the European conference of eye movements, 2017
Sequence-to-sequence deep learning for eye movement classification
M Startsev, I Agtzidis, M Dorr
Perception 48, 200-200, 2019
HPC in a HEP lab: lessons learned from setting up cost-effective HPC clusters
M Husejko, I Agtzidis, P Baehler, T Dul, J Evans, N Himyr, H Meinhard
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 664 (9), 092012, 2015
Self-service for software development projects and HPC activities
M Husejko, N Høimyr, A Gonzalez, G Koloventzos, D Asbury, A Trzcinska, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 513 (5), 052012, 2014
Getting (more) real: bringing eye movement classification to HMD experiments with equirectangular stimuli
I Agtzidis, M Dorr
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research …, 2019
The attitudes of Greeks towards second-hand smoke and the anti-tobacco legislation
A Passa, I Agtzidis, M Tsaousidou, KF Passa
medRxiv, 2020.11. 26.20234666, 2020
Deep learning vs. manual annotation of eye movements
M Startsev, I Agtzidis, M Dorr
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research …, 2018
From Gaussian blobs to natural
A Goettker, I Agtzidis, DI Braun, M Dorr, KR Gegenfurtner
From Gaussian Blobs to Natural Videos: Comparison of oculomotor behavior across different stimulus complexities
A Goettker, I Agtzidis, DI Braun, M Dorr, KR Gegenfurtner
Towards a better understanding of eye movements in natural contexts
I Agtzidis
Technische Universität München, 2020
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