Dr Abdul Rashid
Dr Abdul Rashid
National Agri Res Center; Pak Atomic Energy Commission; Pakistan Academy of Sciences
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Soil and plant analysis laboratory manual. Int
J Ryan, G Estefan, A Rashid
Center for Agric. Res. in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Allepo, Syria, 2001
Micronutrient constraints to crop production in soils with Mediterranean-type characteristics: a review
A Rashid, J Ryan
Journal of Plant Nutrition 27 (6), 959-975, 2004
Biofortification of wheat with zinc through zinc fertilization in seven countries
CQ Zou, YQ Zhang, A Rashid, H Ram, E Savasli, RZ Arisoy, ...
Plant and soil 361, 119-130, 2012
The role of micronutrients in crop production and human health
M Imtiaz, A Rashid, P Khan, MY Memon, M Aslam
Pak. J. Bot 42 (4), 2565-2578, 2010
A soil and plant analysis manual adapted for the West Asia and North Africa region
J Ryan, S Garabet, K Harmsen, A Rashid
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), 1996
Simultaneous biofortification of wheat with zinc, iodine, selenium and iron through foliar treatment of a micronutrient cocktail in six countries
CI Zou C, Du Y, Rashid A, Ram H, Savasli E, Pieterse PJ, Ivan O-M, Yazici A ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67, 67: 8096–8106, 2019
Iodine biofortification of wheat, rice and maize through fertilizer strategy.
OL Cakmak I, Prom-u-thai C, Guiherme LRG, Rashid A, Hora KH, Yazici A ...
Plant and Soil 418, 319–335, 2017
Boron nutrition of rice in different production systems: a review
Atique-ur-Rehman, M Farooq, A Rashid, F Asch, S Stuerz, K Siddique, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 38, 25, 2018
Mapping zinc fertility of soils using indicator plants and soil analyses
A Rashid
University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1986
Zinc deficiency in rainfed wheat in Pakistan: Magnitude, spatial variability, management, and plant analysis diagnostic norms
E Rafique, A Rashid, J Ryan, AU Bhatti
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 37 (1-2), 181-197, 2006
Evaluating internal zinc requirements of grain crops by seed analysis
A Rashid, RL Fox
Agronomy Journal 84 (3), 469-474, 1992
Diagnosing boron deficiency in rapeseed and mustard by plant analysis and soil testing
A Rashid, E Rafique, N Bughio
Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis 25 (17-18), 2883-2897, 1994
Simultaneous biofortification of rice with zinc, iodine, iron and selenium through foliar treatment of a micronutrient cocktail in five countries
CI Prom-u-thai CT, Rashid A, Ram H, Zou C, Guilherme LG, Corguinha APB, Guo ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 11 (589835; doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.589835), 2020
Secondary and micronutrients
A Rashid
Soil science, 341-386, 1996
Boron deficiency in calcereous soils reduces rice yield and impairs grain quality
A Rashid, M Yasin, M Ashraf, RA Mann
International Rice Research Notes 29, 58–60., 2004
Significance of phosphorus for agriculture and the environment in the West Asia and North Africa region
J Ryan, H Ibrikci, A Delgado, J Torrent, R Sommer, A Rashid
Advances in Agronomy 114, 91–153, 2012
Micronutrient availability to cereals from calcareous soils. I. Comparative Zn and Cu deficiency and their mutual interaction in rice and wheat.
MA Kausar, FM Chaudhry, A Rashid, A Latif, SM Alam
Plant and Soil 45, 397-410, 1976
Micronutrient Constraints to Crop Production in the Middle East-West Asia Region: Significance, Research, and Management
J Ryan, A Rashid, J Torrent, SK Yau, H Ibrikci, R Sommer, EB Erenoglu
ADVANCES IN AGRONOMY 122, 1-84, 2013
Micronutrient deficiencies in rainfed calcareous soil of Pakistan. IV. Zinc nutrition of sorghum
A Rashid, E Rafique, N Bughio, Y M
Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal 28, 455-467, 1997
Soil and plant analysis
J Ryan, S Garabet, K Harmsen, A Rashid
Manual Adapted for the West Asia and North Africa Region. ICARDA, Aleppo …, 1996
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