Tessa West
Tessa West
Professor of Psychology, New York University
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Aversive racism and medical interactions with Black patients: A field study
LA Penner, JF Dovidio, TV West, SL Gaertner, TL Albrecht, RK Dailey, ...
Journal of experimental social psychology 46 (2), 436-440, 2010
The truth and bias model of judgment.
TV West, DA Kenny
Psychological review 118 (2), 357, 2011
Stress contagion: Physiological covariation between mothers and infants
SF Waters, TV West, WB Mendes
Psychological science 25 (4), 934-942, 2014
Predictors of dyadic friendship quality in adolescence
A Cillessen, XL Jiang, T West, D Laszkowski
International Journal of Behavioral Development 29 (2), 165-172, 2005
Racial attitudes, physician–patient talk time ratio, and adherence in racially discordant medical interactions
N Hagiwara, LA Penner, R Gonzalez, S Eggly, JF Dovidio, SL Gaertner, ...
Social science & medicine 87, 123-131, 2013
Similarity and agreement in self-and other perception: A meta-analysis
DA Kenny, TV West
Personality and Social Psychology Review 14 (2), 196-213, 2010
From strangers to friends: The interpersonal process model of intimacy in developing interracial friendships
JN Shelton, TE Trail, TV West, HB Bergsieker
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 27 (1), 71-90, 2010
Measuring physiological influence in dyads: A guide to designing, implementing, and analyzing dyadic physiological studies.
KR Thorson, TV West, WB Mendes
Psychological methods 23 (4), 595, 2018
A guide for the estimation of gender and sexual orientation effects in dyadic data: An actor-partner interdependence model approach
TV West, D Popp, DA Kenny
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (3), 321-336, 2008
The fragility of intergroup relations: Divergent effects of delayed audiovisual feedback in intergroup and intragroup interaction
AR Pearson, TV West, JF Dovidio, SR Powers, R Buck, R Henning
Psychological Science 19 (12), 1272-1279, 2008
Lost in the categorical shuffle: Evidence for the social non-prototypicality of Black women.
EL Thomas, JF Dovidio, TV West
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 20 (3), 370, 2014
Superordinate identity and intergroup roommate friendship development
TV West, AR Pearson, JF Dovidio, JN Shelton, TE Trail
Journal of experimental social psychology 45 (6), 1266-1272, 2009
“Ditto heads” do conservatives perceive greater consensus within their ranks than liberals?
C Stern, TV West, JT Jost, NO Rule
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (9), 1162-1177, 2014
Behavioral observation and coding.
RE Heyman, MF Lorber, JM Eddy, TV West
Cambridge University Press, 2014
The politics of gaydar: ideological differences in the use of gendered cues in categorizing sexual orientation.
C Stern, TV West, JT Jost, NO Rule
Journal of personality and social psychology 104 (3), 520, 2013
Affect contagion between mothers and infants: Examining valence and touch.
SF Waters, TV West, HR Karnilowicz, WB Mendes
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 146 (7), 1043, 2017
HIV transmission risk among HIV seroconcordant and serodiscordant couples: dyadic processes of partner selection
LA Eaton, TV West, DA Kenny, SC Kalichman
AIDS and Behavior 13, 185-195, 2009
Concerns about appearing prejudiced: Implications for anxiety during daily interracial interactions
JN Shelton, TV West, TE Trail
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 13 (3), 329-344, 2010
Interracial roommate relationships: Negotiating daily interactions
TE Trail, JN Shelton, TV West
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 35 (6), 671-684, 2009
The social psychology of perceiving others accurately
JA Hall, MS Mast, TV West
Cambridge University Press, 2016
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