Dr. Farhan Mohammad Khan
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ARIMA and NAR based prediction model for time series analysis of COVID-19 cases in India
FM Khan, R Gupta
Journal of safety science and resilience 1 (1), 12-18, 2020
Escherichia coli (E. coli) as an Indicator of Fecal Contamination in Groundwater: A Review
FM Khan, R Gupta
Sustainable Development of Water and Environment: Proceedings of the …, 2020
Removal of nutrients and other emerging inorganic contaminants from water and wastewater by electrocoagulation process
PV Nidheesh, FM Khan, A Kadier, J Akansha, ME Bote, M Mousazadeh
Chemosphere 307, 135756, 2022
Projecting the criticality of COVID-19 transmission in India using GIS and machine learning methods
FM Khan, A Kumar, H Puppala, G Kumar, R Gupta
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2 (2), 50-62, 2021
Superposition learning-based model for prediction of E. coli in groundwater using physico-chemical water quality parameters
FM Khan, R Gupta, S Sekhri
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 13, 100580, 2021
A convolutional neural network approach for detection of E. coli bacteria in water
FM Khan, R Gupta, S Sekhri
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (43), 60778-60786, 2021
Gupta R
FM Khan
ARIMA and NAR based prediction model for time series analysis of COVID-19 …, 2020
Preparedness and Mitigation by projecting the risk against COVID-19 transmission using Machine Learning Techniques
A Kumar, FM Khan, R Gupta, H Puppala
medRxiv, 2020.04. 26.20080655, 2020
A novel PCA-FA-ANN based hybrid model for prediction of fluoride
FM Khan, R Gupta, S Sekhri
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2021
Sprawl of the COVID-19 in changing scenario: a methodology based on social interaction
G Kumar, A Kumar, FM Khan, R Gupta
Library Hi Tech 39 (3), 903-911, 2021
Automated bacteria colony counting on agar plates using machine learning
F Mohammad Khan, R Gupta, S Sekhri
Journal of Environmental Engineering 147 (12), 04021066, 2021
Effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on growth curve and shigatoxin 2 production of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7.
M Ataee, AA Basti, TZ Salehi, H Hosseini, HG Nasrabadi, N Noori, ...
Predicting COVID-19 cases, deaths and recoveries using machine learning methods
M Lounis, FM Khan
Engineering and Applied Science Letter 4 (4), 43-49, 2021
An overview of organized & unorganized retailing in India
A Kumar, F Khan
Parishodh Journal 9 (3), 8388-8393, 2020
Understanding the Landscape of Bronchoscopy in Lung Cancer: Insights From Lesion Location, Gender, and Diagnostic Efficacy
L Devi, Y Verma, A Kumar, F Khan, S Verma, A Kumar, Y Verma Sr, ...
Cureus 16 (2), 2024
Artificial Intelligence Model for Prediction of Faecal Coliform Bacteria in Ground Water
FM Khan
Physico-Chemical Parameters Based Artificial Intelligence Model for Prediction of Faecal Coliform Bacteria in Ground Water
BITS Pilani, 2022
Analysis of increase in cell counts of Escherichia coli in groundwater of Rajasthan: Possible presence of VBNC cells
Farhan Mohammad Khan, Rajiv Gupta, Sheetal Sekhri
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 25 (6), 1-8, 2021
Escherichia coli (E. coli) as an Indicator
FM Khan, R Gupta
Sustainable Development of Water and Environment: Proceedings of the …, 2020
Detection of waterborne bacteria using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
FM Khan, S Sridhar, R Gupta
E3S Web of Conferences 158, 05002, 2020
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