Niels Grüttemeier
Niels Grüttemeier
Fraunhofer IOSB-INA
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On the relation of strong triadic closure and cluster deletion
N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz
Algorithmica 82 (4), 853-880, 2020
Learning Bayesian networks under sparsity constraints: A parameterized complexity analysis
N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 74, 1225-1267, 2022
On the parameterized complexity of polytree learning
N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, N Morawietz
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021), 2021
Multi-parameter analysis of finding minors and subgraphs in edge-periodic temporal graphs
E Arrighi, N Grüttemeier, N Morawietz, F Sommer, P Wolf
International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of …, 2023
Refined parameterizations for computing colored cuts in edge-colored graphs
N Morawietz, N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, F Sommer
Theory of Computing Systems 66 (5), 1019-1045, 2022
Efficient Bayesian network structure learning via parameterized local search on topological orderings
N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, N Morawietz
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (14), 12328 …, 2021
Your rugby mates don't need to know your colleagues: Triadic closure with edge colors
L Bulteau, N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, M Sorge
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 120, 75-96, 2021
Colored cut games
N Morawietz, N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, F Sommer
Theoretical Computer Science 936, 13-32, 2022
Maximum edge-colorable subgraph and strong triadic closure parameterized by distance to low-degree graphs
N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, N Morawietz
Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2020), 2020
Destroying multicolored paths and cycles in edge-colored graphs
NJ Eckstein, N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, F Sommer
Discrete mathematics & theoretical computer science 25 (Graph Theory), 2023
Preventing Small -Cuts by Protecting Edges
N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, N Morawietz, F Sommer
International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 143-155, 2021
Destroying Bicolored s by Deleting Few Edges
N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, J Schestag, F Sommer
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 23 (Graph Theory), 2021
Parameterized local search for max c-cut
J Garvardt, N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, N Morawietz
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023), 5586 …, 2023
String factorizations under various collision constraints
N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, N Morawietz, F Sommer
31st Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2020), 17: 1-17: 14, 2020
Optimization of a High Storage System with two Cranes per Aisle
N Grüttemeier, A Bunte, S Windmann
2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 1-6, 2023
Efficient production scheduling by exploiting repetitive product configurations
N Grüuttemeier, K Balzereit, N Soni, A Bunte
2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 1-6, 2023
On critical node problems with vulnerable vertices
J Schestag, N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, F Sommer
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, 494-508, 2022
Security decisions for cyber-physical systems based on solving critical node problems with vulnerable nodes
J Otto, N Grüttemeier, F Specht
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.10287, 2024
A Graph-Theoretic Formulation of Exploratory Blockmodeling
A Bille, N Grüttemeier, C Komusiewicz, N Morawietz
21st International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2023), 14: 1-14: 20, 2023
Parameterized Algorithmics for Graph-Based Data Analysis
N Grüttemeier
Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2022
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