Amit Singer
Amit Singer
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A survey of structure from motion*.
O Özyeşil, V Voroninski, R Basri, A Singer
Acta Numerica 26, 305-364, 2017
Angular synchronization by eigenvectors and semidefinite programming
A Singer
Applied and computational harmonic analysis 30 (1), 20-36, 2011
From graph to manifold Laplacian: The convergence rate
A Singer
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 21 (1), 128-134, 2006
The narrow escape problem for diffusion in cellular microdomains
Z Schuss, A Singer, D Holcman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (41), 16098-16103, 2007
Vector diffusion maps and the connection Laplacian
A Singer, H Wu
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 65 (8), 1067-1144, 2012
Global motion estimation from point matches
M Arie-Nachimson, SZ Kovalsky, I Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, A Singer, ...
2012 Second international conference on 3D imaging, modeling, processing …, 2012
Graph Laplacian tomography from unknown random projections
RR Coifman, Y Shkolnisky, FJ Sigworth, A Singer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 (10), 1891-1899, 2008
Three-dimensional structure determination from common lines in cryo-EM by eigenvectors and semidefinite programming
A Singer, Y Shkolnisky
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 (2), 543-572, 2011
Exact and stable recovery of rotations for robust synchronization
L Wang, A Singer
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 2 (2), 145-193, 2013
Non-linear independent component analysis with diffusion maps
A Singer, RR Coifman
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 25 (2), 226-239, 2008
Narrow escape, part I
A Singer, Z Schuss, D Holcman, RS Eisenberg
Journal of Statistical Physics 122 (3), 437-463, 2006
Narrow escape, Part II: The circular disk
A Singer, Z Schuss, D Holcman
Journal of statistical physics 122 (3), 465-489, 2006
Robust camera location estimation by convex programming
O Ozyesil, A Singer
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Detecting intrinsic slow variables in stochastic dynamical systems by anisotropic diffusion maps
A Singer, R Erban, IG Kevrekidis, RR Coifman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (38), 16090-16095, 2009
Tightness of the maximum likelihood semidefinite relaxation for angular synchronization
AS Bandeira, N Boumal, A Singer
Mathematical Programming 163, 145-167, 2017
Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy: Mathematical theory, computational challenges, and opportunities
T Bendory, A Bartesaghi, A Singer
IEEE signal processing magazine 37 (2), 58-76, 2020
Sensor network localization by eigenvector synchronization over the Euclidean group
M Cucuringu, Y Lipman, A Singer
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 8 (3), 1-42, 2012
Uniqueness of low-rank matrix completion by rigidity theory
A Singer, M Cucuringu
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 31 (4), 1621-1641, 2010
A Cheeger inequality for the graph connection Laplacian
AS Bandeira, A Singer, DA Spielman
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 34 (4), 1611-1630, 2013
Decoding binary node labels from censored edge measurements: Phase transition and efficient recovery
E Abbe, AS Bandeira, A Bracher, A Singer
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 1 (1), 10-22, 2014
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