José Francisco Gonçalves Júnior
José Francisco Gonçalves Júnior
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A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but might reduce carbon sequestration
L Boyero, RG Pearson, MO Gessner, LA Barmuta, V Ferreira, MAS Graça, ...
Ecology letters, 2011
Global distribution of a key trophic guild contrasts with common latitudinal diversity patterns
L Boyero, RG Pearson, D Dudgeon, MAS Graça, MO Gessner, ...
Ecology 92 (9), 1839-1848, 2011
Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones
SD Tiegs, DM Costello, MW Isken, G Woodward, PB McIntyre, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaav0486, 2019
Leaf-litter breakdown in 3 streams in temperate, Mediterranean, and tropical Cerrado climates
JF Gonçalves Jr, MAS Graça, M Callisto
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25 (2), 344-355, 2006
Litter decomposition in a Cerrado savannah stream is retarded by leaf toughness, low dissolved nutrients and a low density of shredders
JF Gonçalves Jr, MAS Graça, M Callisto
Freshwater Biology 52 (8), 1440-1451, 2007
Global patterns of stream detritivore distribution: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climates
L Boyero, RG Pearson, D Dudgeon, V Ferreira, MAS Graça, MO Gessner, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, 134-141, 2012
Biotic and abiotic variables influencing plant litter breakdown in streams: a global study
L Boyero, RG Pearson, C Hui, MO Gessner, J Pérez, MA Alexandrou, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1829), 20152664, 2016
Plant litter dynamics in the forest-stream interface: precipitation is a major control across tropical biomes
AM Tonin, JF Goncalves Jr, P Bambi, SRM Couceiro, LAM Feitoza, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 10799, 2017
Leaf breakdown in a tropical stream
JF Gonçalves Jr, JS França, AO Medeiros, CA Rosa, M Callisto
International Review of Hydrobiology 91 (2), 164-177, 2006
Invertebrados aquáticos como bioindicadores
M Callisto, JF Gonçalves, P Moreno
Navegando o Rio das Velhas das Minas aos Gerais 1, 2005
What is more important for invertebrate colonization in a stream with low-quality litter inputs: exposure time or leaf species?
R Ligeiro, MS Moretti, JF Gonçalves, M Callisto
Hydrobiologia, 1-12, 2010
A global assessment of the effects of eucalyptus plantations on stream ecosystem functioning
V Ferreira, L Boyero, C Calvo, F Correa, R Figueroa, JF Gonçalves, ...
Ecosystems 22, 629-642, 2019
Invertebrates colonization on native tree leaves in a neotropical stream (Brazil)
MS Moretti, JF Gonçalves Júnior, R Ligeiro, M Callisto
International review of hydrobiology 92 (2), 199-210, 2007
Leaf litter as a possible food source for chironomids (Diptera) in Brazilian and Portuguese headwater streams
M Callisto, JF Gonçalves Jr, MAS Graça
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 24, 442-448, 2007
Leaf breakdown in two tropical streams: differences between single and mixed species packs
M Moretti, JF Goncalves Jr, M Callisto
Limnologica 37 (3), 250-258, 2007
The influence of the chemical composition of Typha domingensis and Nymphaea ampla detritus on invertebrate colonization during decomposition in a Brazilian coastal lagoon
JF Gonçalves, AM Santos, FA Esteves
Hydrobiologia 527 (1), 125-137, 2004
Composition and dynamics of allochthonous organic matter inputs and benthic stock in a Brazilian stream
JS França, RS Gregório, JDA de Paula, JFG Júnior, FA Ferreira, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 60 (10), 990-998, 2009
Dynamics of allochthonous organic matter in a tropical Brazilian headstream
JF Gonçalves Júnior, JS França, M Callisto
Brazilian archives of biology and technology 49, 967-973, 2006
Relationship between dynamics of litterfall and riparian plant species in a tropical stream
JF Gonçalves Jr, R de Souza Rezende, RS Gregório, GC Valentin
Limnologica 44, 40-48, 2014
Effects of spatial and environmental factors on benthic a macroinvertebrate community
RS Rezende, AM Santos, C Henke-Oliveira, JF Gonçalves Jr
Zoologia (Curitiba) 31, 426-434, 2014
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