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Landscape heterogeneity–biodiversity relationship: effect of range size
N Katayama, T Amano, S Naoe, T Yamakita, I Komatsu, S Takagawa, ...
PloS one 9 (3), e93359, 2014
Mobile phone network data reveal nationwide economic value of coastal tourism under climate change
T Kubo, S Uryu, H Yamano, T Tsuge, T Yamakita, Y Shirayama
Tourism Management 77, 104010, 2020
The potential role of temperate Japanese regions as refugia for the coral Acropora hyacinthus in the face of climate change
A Nakabayashi, T Yamakita, T Nakamura, H Aizawa, YF Kitano, A Iguchi, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1892, 2019
Hydroides dianthus (Polychaeta: Serpulidae), an alien species introduced into Tokyo Bay, Japan
H Link, E Nishi, K Tanaka, R Bastida-Zavala, EK Kupriyanova, T Yamakita
Marine Biodiversity Records 2, e87, 2009
Species richness and community structure of benthic macrofauna and megafauna in the deep‐sea chemosynthetic ecosystems around the Japanese archipelago: an attempt to identify …
R Nakajima, T Yamakita, H Watanabe, K Fujikura, K Tanaka, ...
Diversity and Distributions 20 (10), 1160-1172, 2014
Genetic divergence and range expansion in a western North Pacific coral
JE Fifer, N Yasuda, T Yamakita, CB Bove, SW Davies
Science of the Total Environment 813, 152423, 2022
Re-structuring of marine communities exposed to environmental change: a global study on the interactive effects of species and functional richness
M Wahl, H Link, N Alexandridis, JC Thomason, M Cifuentes, MJ Costello, ...
PLoS One 6 (5), e19514, 2011
Identifying priority areas for national-level conservation to achieve Aichi Target 11: a case study of using terrestrial birds breeding in Japan
S Naoe, N Katayama, T Amano, M Akasaka, T Yamakita, M Ueta, ...
Journal for Nature Conservation 24, 101-108, 2015
Asynchronous local dynamics contributes to stability of a seagrass bed in Tokyo Bay
T Yamakita, K Watanabe, M Nakaoka
Ecography 34 (3), 519-528, 2011
Identification of important marine areas using ecologically or biologically significant areas (EBSAs) criteria in the East to Southeast Asia region and comparison with existing …
T Yamakita, K Sudo, Y Jintsu-Uchifune, H Yamamoto, Y Shirayama
Marine Policy 81, 273-284, 2017
The Asia‐Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network: 10‐year achievements and new strategies to 2030
Y Takeuchi, H Muraoka, T Yamakita, Y Kano, S Nagai, T Bunthang, ...
Ecological Research 36 (2), 232-257, 2021
Identification of important marine areas around the Japanese Archipelago: Establishment of a protocol for evaluating a broad area using ecologically and biologically …
T Yamakita, H Yamamoto, M Nakaoka, H Yamano, K Fujikura, K Hidaka, ...
Marine Policy 51, 136-147, 2015
Application of deep learning techniques for determining the spatial extent and classification of seagrass beds, Trang, Thailand
T Yamakita, F Sodeyama, N Whanpetch, K Watanabe, M Nakaoka
Botanica Marina,, 2019
Development of a national land-use/cover dataset to estimate biodiversity and ecosystem services
M Akasaka, A Takenaka, F Ishihama, T Kadoya, M Ogawa, T Osawa, ...
Integrative observations and assessments, 209-229, 2014
Toward more data publication of long‐term ecological observations
N Shin, H Shibata, T Osawa, T Yamakita, M Nakamura, T Kenta
Ecological Research 35 (5), 700-707, 2020
Scale dependency in seagrass dynamics: how does the neighboring effect vary with grain of observation?
T Yamakita, M Nakaoka
Population Ecology 51, 33-40, 2009
Deep-sea fish fauna on the seamounts of southern Japan with taxonomic notes on the observed species
K Koeda, S Takashima, T Yamakita, S Tsuchida, Y Fujiwara
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (11), 1294, 2021
Natural capital for nature’s contributions to people: the case of Japan
J Kumagai, M Wakamatsu, S Hashimoto, O Saito, T Yoshida, T Yamakita, ...
Sustainability Science, 1-36, 2021
Species level mapping of a seagrass bed using an unmanned aerial vehicle and deep learning technique
S Tahara, K Sudo, T Yamakita, M Nakaoka
PeerJ 10, e14017, 2022
Future scenarios for socio-ecological production landscape and seascape
O Saito, S Hashimoto, S Managi, M Aiba, T Yamakita, R DasGupta, ...
Sustainability Science 14, 1-4, 2019
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