Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Javier Vazquez-Corral (ORCID: 0000-0003-0414-7096)Weitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 2
A Benchmark of Objective Quality Metrics for HLG-Based HDR/WCG Image Coding
Y Sugito, T Canham, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío
SMPTE 2020 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1-18, 2020
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
A study of objective quality metrics for HLG-based HDR/WCG image coding
Y Sugito, T Canham, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 130 (4), 53-65, 2021
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Verfügbar: 61
Fusion-based variational image dehazing
A Galdran, J Vazquez-Corral, D Pardo, M Bertalmio
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 24 (2), 151-155, 2017
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
On the duality between retinex and image dehazing
A Galdran, A Alvarez-Gila, A Bria, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2015
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Convolutional neural networks can be deceived by visual illusions
A Gomez-Villa, A Martin, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Color illusions also deceive CNNs for low-level vision tasks: Analysis and implications
A Gomez-Villa, A Martín, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío, J Malo
Vision Research 176, 156-174, 2020
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Color constancy by category correlation
J Vazquez-Corral, M Vanrell, R Baldrich, F Tous
IEEE Transactions on image processing 21 (4), 1997-2007, 2011
Mandate: Government of Spain
Gamut Mapping in Cinematography through Perceptually-based Contrast Modification
SW Zamir, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmio
Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 8 (3), 2014
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
A variational framework for single image dehazing
A Galdran, J Vazquez-Corral, D Pardo, M Bertalmío
Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops: Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and …, 2015
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Perceptual Color Characterization of Cameras
J Vazquez-Corral, D Connah, M Bertalmío
Sensors, 2014
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Color Stabilization Along Time and Across Shots of the Same Scene, for One or Several Cameras of Unknown Specifications
J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (10), 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Evidence for the intrinsically nonlinear nature of receptive fields in vision
M Bertalmío, A Gomez-Villa, A Martín, J Vazquez-Corral, D Kane, J Malo
Scientific reports 10 (1), 16277, 2020
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
A new spectrally sharpened sensor basis to predict color naming, unique hues, and hue cancellation
J Vazquez-Corral, JK O'Regan, M Vanrell, GD Finlayson
Journal of vision 12 (6), 7-7, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
A fast image dehazing method that does not introduce color artifacts
J Vazquez-Corral, A Galdran, P Cyriac, M Bertalmío
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 17, 607-622, 2020
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Gamut extension for cinema
SW Zamir, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26 (4), 1595-1606, 2017
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Vision models for wide color gamut imaging in cinema
SW Zamir, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmio
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43 (5), 1777-1790, 2021
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Color matching images with unknown non-linear encodings
RG Rodríguez, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 4435-4444, 2020
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
On the synthesis of visual illusions using deep generative models
A Gomez-Villa, A Martín, J Vazquez-Corral, M Bertalmío, J Malo
Journal of Vision 22 (8), 2-2, 2022
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
A tone mapping operator based on neural and psychophysical models of visual perception
P Cyriac, M Bertalmio, D Kane, J Vazquez-Corral
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XX 9394, 513-522, 2015
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
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