Petteri Muukkonen
Petteri Muukkonen
Senior University Lecturer, University of Helsinki
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Biomass and stem volume equations for tree species in Europe
D Zianis, P Muukkonen, R Mäkipää, M Mencuccini
Silva Fennica Monographs 4, 63, 2005
Indirect methods of large-scale forest biomass estimation
Z Somogyi, E Cienciala, R Mäkipää, A Lehtonen, P Muukkonen, P Weiss
European Journal of Forest Research 126 (2), 197-207, 2007
Generalized allometric volume and biomass equations for some tree species in Europe
P Muukkonen
European Journal of Forest Research 126 (2), 157-166, 2007
Biomass estimation over a large area based on standwise forest inventory data and ASTER and MODIS satellite data: A possibility to verify carbon inventories
P Muukkonen, J Heiskanen
Remote Sensing of Environment 107 (4), 617−624, 2007
Estimating biomass for boreal forests using ASTER satellite data combined with standwise forest in-ventory data
P Muukkonen, J Heiskanen
Remote Sensing of Environment 99 (4), 434-447, 2005
Carbon accumulation in Finland's forests 1922–2004–an estimate obtained by combination of forest inventory data with modelling of biomass, litter and soil
J Liski, A Lehtonen, T Palosuo, M Peltoniemi, T Eggers, P Muukkonen, ...
Annals of forest science 63 (7), 687-697, 2006
Invasion of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and the rise of the boreal ecosystem in Fennoscandia
H Seppä, T Alenius, RHW Bradshaw, T Giesecke, M Heikkilä, ...
Journal of Ecology 97 (4), 629-640, 2009
Relationship between biomass and percentage cover in understorey vegetation of boreal coniferous forests
P Muukkonen, R Mäkipää, R Laiho, K Minkkinen, H Vasander, L Finér
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2006
Biomass equations for European trees: addendum
P Muukkonen, R Mäkipää
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2006
Empirical biomass models of understorey vegetation in boreal forests according to stand and site attributes
P Muukkonen, R Mäkipää
FI, 2006
Needle and branch biomass turnover rates of Norway spruce Picea abies
P Muukkonen, A Lehtonen
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (12), 2517−2527, 2004
Calibrated pollen accumulation rates as a basis for quantitative tree biomass reconstructions
H Seppä, T Alenius, P Muukkonen, T Giesecke, PA Miller, AEK Ojala
The Holocene 19 (2), 209-220, 2009
The costs of monitoring changes in forest soil carbon stocks
R Mäkipää, M Häkkinen, P Muukkonen, M Peltoniemi
FI, 2008
Spatial variation in soil carbon in the organic layer of managed boreal forest soil—implications for sampling design
P Muukkonen, M Häkkinen, R Mäkipää
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 158, 67-76, 2009
Needle biomass turnover rates of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) derived from the needle-shed dynamics
P Muukkonen
Trees 19 (3), 273-279, 2005
Spatial occurrence of drought-associated damages in Finnish boreal forests: results from forest condition monitoring and GIS analysis
P Muukkonen, S Nevalainen, M Lindgren, M Peltoniemi
Boreal Environment Research 20 (2), 172-180, 2015
Forest inventory-based large-scale forest biomass and carbon budget assessment: new enhanced methods and use of remote sensing for verification
P Muukkonen
Dissertationes Forestales 30, 2006
Photosynthetic production of ground vegetation in different-aged Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests
L Kulmala, J Pumpanen, P Kolari, P Muukkonen, P Hari, T Vesala
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (10), 2020-2030, 2011
Widespread, episodic decline of alder (Alnus) during the medieval period in the boreal forest of Europe
N Stivrins, MS Buchan, HR Disbrey, N Kuosmanen, M Latałowa, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 32 (7), 903-907, 2017
Consistent estimates of gross primary production of Finnish forests-comparison of estimates of two process models
M Peltoniemi, T Markkanen, S Härkönen, P Muukkonen, T Thum, T Aalto, ...
Boreal Environment Research 20 (2), 196-212, 2015
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