Allison J. Miller
Allison J. Miller
Saint Louis University and the Danforth Plant Science Center
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From forest to field: perennial fruit crop domestication
AJ Miller, BL Gross
American journal of botany 98 (9), 1389-1414, 2011
Rootstocks: diversity, domestication, and impacts on shoot phenotypes
EJ Warschefsky, LL Klein, MH Frank, DH Chitwood, JP Londo, ...
Trends in plant science 21 (5), 418-437, 2016
Crop genetic erosion: understanding and responding to loss of crop diversity
CK Khoury, S Brush, DE Costich, HA Curry, S De Haan, JMM Engels, ...
New Phytologist 233 (1), 84-118, 2022
Domestication of a Mesoamerican cultivated fruit tree, Spondias purpurea
A Miller, B Schaal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (36), 12801-12806, 2005
Domestication and the distribution of genetic variation in wild and cultivated populations of the Mesoamerican fruit tree Spondias purpurea L. (Anacardiaceae)
AJ Miller, BA Schaal
Molecular Ecology 15 (6), 1467-1480, 2006
Reduced gravitropism in hypocotyls of starch-deficient mutants of Arabidopsis
JZ Kiss, MM Guisinger, AJ Miller, KS Stackhouse
Plant and Cell Physiology 38 (5), 518-525, 1997
SK Pell, JD Mitchell, AJ Miller, TA Lobova
Flowering plants. Eudicots: sapindales, cucurbitales, myrtaceae, 7-50, 2011
A pipeline strategy for grain crop domestication
LR DeHaan, DL Van Tassel, JA Anderson, SR Asselin, R Barnes, ...
Crop Science 56 (3), 917-930, 2016
Phylogenetic and biogeographic diversification of Rhus (Anacardiaceae) in the Northern Hemisphere
T Yi, AJ Miller, J Wen
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 33 (3), 861-879, 2004
Genetic variation in walnuts (Juglans regia and J. sigillata; Juglandaceae): Species distinctions, human impacts, and the conservation of agrobiodiversity in …
BF Gunn, M Aradhya, JM Salick, AJ Miller, Y Yongping, L Lin, H Xian
American Journal of Botany 97 (4), 660-671, 2010
Latent developmental and evolutionary shapes embedded within the grapevine leaf
DH Chitwood, LL Klein, R O'Hanlon, S Chacko, M Greg, C Kitchen, ...
New Phytologist 210 (1), 343-355, 2016
Phylogeny and Biogeography of Rhus (Anacardiaceae) Based on ITS Sequence Data
AJ Miller, DA Young, J Wen
International Journal of Plant Sciences 162 (6), 1401-1407, 2001
GIS‐based characterization of the geographic distributions of wild and cultivated populations of the Mesoamerican fruit tree Spondias purpurea (Anacardiaceae)
AJ Miller, JH Knouft
American Journal of Botany 93 (12), 1757-1767, 2006
Using living germplasm collections to characterize, improve, and conserve woody perennials
Z Migicovsky, E Warschefsky, LL Klein, AJ Miller
Crop Science 59 (6), 2365-2380, 2019
Digital Morphometrics of Two North American Grapevines (Vitis: Vitaceae) Quantifies Leaf Variation between Species, within Species, and among Individuals
LL Klein, M Caito, C Chapnick, C Kitchen, R O’Hanlon, DH Chitwood, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 373, 2017
Topological data analysis as a morphometric method: using persistent homology to demarcate a leaf morphospace
M Li, H An, R Angelovici, C Bagaza, A Batushansky, L Clark, V Coneva, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 553, 2018
Living with two genomes: grafting and its implications for plant genome-to-genome interactions, phenotypic variation, and evolution
BS Gaut, AJ Miller, DK Seymour
Annual Review of Genetics 53 (1), 195-215, 2019
Ethnobotany of Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana, Brassicaceae) and Its Wild Relatives (Armoracia spp.): Reproductive Biology and Local Uses in Their Native …
D Sampliner, A Miller
Economic botany 63, 303-313, 2009
Vitis phylogenomics: hybridization intensities from a SNP array outperform genotype calls
AJ Miller, N Matasci, H Schwaninger, MK Aradhya, B Prins, GY Zhong, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e78680, 2013
Signatures of niche conservatism and niche shift in the North American kudzu (Pueraria montana) invasion
ST Callen, AJ Miller
Diversity and Distributions 21 (8), 853-863, 2015
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