Jim Chandler
Jim Chandler
Formerly Loughborough University
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Accuracy of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and SfM photogrammetry survey as a function of the number and location of ground control points used
E Sanz-Ablanedo, JH Chandler, JR Rodríguez-Pérez, C Ordóñez
Remote Sensing 10 (10), 1606, 2018
Developments in monitoring and modelling small‐scale river bed topography
SN Lane, KS Richards, JH Chandler
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 19 (4), 349-368, 1994
Investigating the geomorphological potential of freely available and accessible structure‐from‐motion photogrammetry using a smartphone
N Micheletti, JH Chandler, SN Lane
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (4), 473-486, 2015
Effective application of automated digital photogrammetry for geomorphological research
J Chandler
Earth surface processes and landforms 24 (1), 51-63, 1999
Guidelines on the use of structure‐from‐motion photogrammetry in geomorphic research
MR James, JH Chandler, A Eltner, C Fraser, PE Miller, JP Mills, T Noble, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (10), 2081-2084, 2019
Three‐dimensional measurement of river channel flow processes using acoustic Doppler velocimetry
SN Lane, PM Biron, KF Bradbrook, JB Butler, JH Chandler, MD Crowell, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 1998
Automated extraction of grain-size data from gravel surfaces using digital image processing
JB Butler, SN Lane, JH Chandler
Journal of hydraulic research 39 (5), 519-529, 2001
Metric capabilities of low‐cost digital cameras for close range surface measurement
JH Chandler, JG Fryer, A Jack
The Photogrammetric Record 20 (109), 12-26, 2005
Assessment of DEM quality for characterizing surface roughness using close range digital photogrammetry
JB Butler, SN Lane, JH Chandler
The Photogrammetric Record 16 (92), 271-291, 1998
Evaluation of LIDAR and medium scale photogrammetry for detecting soft‐cliff coastal change
J Adams, J Chandler
The Photogrammetric Record 17 (99), 405-418, 2002
Through‐water close range digital photogrammetry in flume and field environments
J Butler, S Lane, J Chandler, E Porfiri
The Photogrammetric Record 17 (99), 419-439, 2002
High spatial resolution data acquisition for the geosciences: kite aerial photography
MJ Smith, J Chandler, J Rose
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34 (1), 155-161, 2009
Monitoring river‐channel change using terrestrial oblique digital imagery and automated digital photogrammetry
J Chandler, P Ashmore, C Paola, M Gooch, F Varkaris
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 92 (4), 631-644, 2002
The assessment of sediment transport rates by automated digital photogrammetry
M Stojic, J Chandler, P Ashmore, J Luce
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 64 (5), 387-395, 1998
Morphological estimation of the time‐integrated bed load transport rate
SN Lane, KS Richards, JH Chandler
Water Resources Research 31 (3), 761-772, 1995
Discharge and sediment supply controls on erosion and deposition in a dynamic alluvial channel
SN Lane, KS Richards, JH Chandler
Geomorphology 15 (1), 1-15, 1996
Characterization of the structure of river-bed gravels using two-dimensional fractal analysis
JB Butler, SN Lane, JH Chandler
Mathematical geology 33, 301-330, 2001
The measurement and modelling of rill erosion at angle of repose slopes in mine spoil
GR Hancock, D Crawter, SG Fityus, J Chandler, T Wells
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
Applying close range digital photogrammetry in soil erosion studies
BC Peter Heng, JH Chandler, A Armstrong
The Photogrammetric Record 25 (131), 240-265, 2010
A convergent image configuration for DEM extraction that minimises the systematic effects caused by an inaccurate lens model
R Wackrow, JH Chandler
The Photogrammetric Record 23 (121), 6-18, 2008
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